To Her, From Me

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August 18, 2015

To You,

L is for the way you look at me....

Why do those thoughts, why did those thoughts have to invade your head? My precious, friend

O is for the only one I see....

Why did you have to go down that road. I warned you, yet you didn't listen or believe me.

V is very, very, extraordinary....

Who put this, who did this too you? Why you of all people?

E is even more then anyone that you adore...

I love you, you know that? I tell you all the time, when you ask and even when you don't.

Can Love, is all that I can give to you...

Why don't you want to listen? Why don't you want to believe me?

Love is more then just a game for two...

Is it not enough for you? Thats all I can give you, it's all that I can give you that matters!

Two in Love can make it......

Your my sanity, you, him and her. Your why I haven't given up and caved in. So don't cave in on me

Take my heart and please don't break it....

You may have given up, but I haven't. You aren't going to leave me. I'll never forgive you if you do.

Love was made for me and you.....

I refuse to let you crumble to pieces like our broken hearts. I'll haul you on my back all the way home.

L is for the way you look at me...

I have found someone to mend my heart together, but you haven't found yours yet. So I will hold onto the pieces for you.

O is for the only one I see....

We will make it together, we'll walk the bumpy road off to sun set.

V is very, very, extraordinary.....

We'll hold hands and sing your favorite song when we make it there.

E is even more then anyone that you adore...

So rid those thoughts from your head, your perfect, just the way you are.

Can Love, is all that I can give to you....

I will tell you this now until whenever, until you believe it yourself.

Love is more then just a game for two...

So one day when we are all grown up, and are married and have kids.

Two in Love can make it...

We'll laugh and joke about this, you'll say that it was a stupid idea, and that your glad that you are here today, smiling, laughing, remembering.

Take my heart and please don't break it...

And we'll joke about how we love each other more then our husbands, and that we don't need them, and they'll get all jealous.

Love was made for me and you...

So please believe me when I say 'don't do it, it's not worth it', because it isn't. It's not.

Love was made of me and you....

Believe me when I say I need you, Believe me when I say I love you.

Love was made for me and you.

So please, please let my Love for you be enough to save you. Its all I have, trust me please. Stay with me, be my Best Friend Forever. I need you here to help me, you need to be here in order for me to help you. I will protect you, I promise and I never break a promise, you know that. Okay, I love you, you know that. Your my best friend, you always will be, so if you go so does part of me. So forget about all those things that hurt you, and think about what matters most. We are in this together. We will get through this together, so you have to trust and believe in me. Promise me, and I will promise you, that I will say by your side through think and thin. When you fall in love, and when you fall sick. When you feel alone and abandoned, just come to me. So promise me, please, please promise me. That you keep on going, holding on to that rope even if a demon is trying to pull you under. Stay alive, if not for you, then for me. Believe me, believe in me, okay. I love you, Princess. Its a Prince's duty to save you from the tower, and the dragon and the harsh, cold, unforgiving world. I will follow through with that duty and protect you with my life, even after you fall in love and get married to the man of your dreams. As your knight in shining armor, as your Prince, I will, so promise me. Even if your prince is actually a girl with a crazy personality, a knack for writting and a pair of scissors. Promise me, me and the river of tears pouring out of my eyes, promise me. I'm begging you, don't make me cry anymore, but most importanyly don't you cry anymore. I'm here for you, I love you, Princess. I hope its enough to save you.

~Love your Best friend in Shining Armor, ME

(SONG: L.O.V.E- Nat King Cole)

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