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The perfect imperfections have been defining us for so long, that perhaps we aren't even aware of the dilemma ourselves. Humans are ironic, we find beauty in ends, and beginnings, yet fail to admire and enjoy the journey. The victory of a successful end lasts a minute or two, but the journey has to be labored through, and yet can be savored for quite a memorable stretch of time. I personally do like to focus on the journey. Why just focus on dawn and dusk, when there is a whole day to be enjoyed. We celebrate the beginning of a life, and the end. But never the journey from cradle to grave.

Intriguing right?!

Oh where are my manners, I haven't even introduced myself yet and I bore you with the philosophy.

I am the "Desi" in this conundrum!

What's a Desi you ask?

Well Desi is an Urdu word meaning local. But everyone is a local somewhere. Let me explain.

Heard of Subcontinent?



Great, now we are on track. So people from these two countries are informally called Desis. Mind you formally we are Pakistanis or Indians, but informally you can call us beautiful brown people Desis.

All good?

Now moving on....well as I said I put the Desi in the title, and my family and society contribute to the conundrum...hmm...I am getting ahead of myself we will get to that later.

The point here is that why an academically accomplished girl, like me, is rambling like a bumbling baboon?!

Did I forget to mention I am a doctor?

Sorry I am afraid my brain has finally had enough, and now will no longer support me in my endeavors.

And that folks is the whole point.

Too confusing?

I should start at the beginning I suppose.

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