A Love of Two Separate Worlds

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                                                                       Chapter 1: The dream

"Third floor, Room 3024. Welcome to Sarahtswadee University"

I took the key handed to me to me by the dormitory officer, lifted my bags and walked inside the five storey building. There were no elevators in the place that in order to be able to go up and down each floor, you need to have patience in using the staircase.

The building was called "uni" this is where the students in the university coming from far places stay during their college years to lessen fatigue and stress in travelling.

I felt exhausted when I reached the door of my new room. The staircase seemed to be very long since the gap between the ceiling of every floor and the floor was about 6-10 feet. I twisted the door knob and entered. It is a studio-type room painted in brown and white same as the things inside it which can always be seen in pairs. Pair of desk, bed, cabinet and lamp. With this arrangement, I concluded that I have a roommate. I placed my things on the right side of the room to give my companion to choose her side of the room. Feeling sleepy, I lay down on the carpeted floor and used my bag as a pillow and closed my eyes.

"Kim! wait up. I'm not yet done" said the girl who I flet has the sweetest voice that I always want to hear.

"Come on \Yam, we'll be late" I answered smiling. 

She is really beautiful. Fair complexion, almond eyes and long hair. I can say she's perfect the way she is. She ran to me, grabbed my arm close to her and walked out of the room we used to occupy. we arrived at the building's lobby and waited for a cab to pass by.

"It would take 45 minuites right? her head was now resting on my shoulder while her hand was playing with mine.

"yeah. After that, we'll part ways temporarily"

"aw, it's okay we have blackberry messenger to communicate"

A look in her eyes served as my answer to her statement as the cab came to a full stop infront of us. we loaded our things and ride. Along the way, I noticed something different with the driver and the path we're heading to. It is not the way the drivers usually take, it's out of route

"Are we taking a shortcut?" I felt yam's hold of my hand tightened. I knew she was scared.

The driver did not utter any word. He stopped the car on the side, reached out for something underneath his seat and turned to me.

"You'll be in a great confusion pal" he took out the gun and aimed it on me. I can feel the fear, fear of losing your life, dreams and promises.


"Are you okay?" I saw a girl with brown eyes, hair as black as coal, skin white as snow and cheeks that blooms lika a rose. She was standing beside me. And then I noticed I was not in the cab and Yam wasn't with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2013 ⏰

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