Chapter 5

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School term starts and both Isabella and I were in the guidance office getting our schedule. Ms. Blake our guidance counselor both gave us our schedule. "Here's your schedule." She said smiling at us. "And welcome to St. Claire Academy."

Isabella and I both said thank you and left the office. "Gosh, we don't have the exact schedule," I said.

"Yeah," she said reading hers. "But we got the same schedule for the first, third and fifth period."

"Good," I said. "I wonder if Josh is your classmates in one of those classes of yours."

Isabella smiled at me. "I wish!" she said with a smile.

"Their uniform is cool, huh?" I said.

"But I hate wearing skirts. It's okay really. At least pantyhose are not required. But at home we always wear this kind of clothes. And I'm still wondering why we can't wear pants or shorts at home," Isabella muttered.

I was laughing at Isabella when Quinn and Josh approached us.

"Hi!" Quinn greeted. "Got your schedule?"

"Yep," I said handing her my schedule. I saw Isabella hand her schedule to Josh.

"We got the same class on the first, second and sixth period." Quinn said.

I looked at Isabella and Josh and they were still talking. I can't hear what they were talking about. "Good because Isabella and I weren't together on second and sixth period," I said. Quinn gave my schedule back and I hide it in my bag.

"Josh is our higher batch so we don't have the same schedule as his," Quinn said.

"Oh," I said looking at Isabella. That maybe what they were talking about a while ago.

We said goodbye to Josh and went to our first period. "I thought we would be classmates," Isabella said miserably.

"Don't worry about it," I said. "At least his house is beside ours."

First period came out fine. We introduced ourselves and I know what you were thinking. How we introduced ourselves. We told them our family was in another country and that we were both here to study High School. Good thing no one ask us a question.

On our lunch break, the three of us, Isabella, Quinn and me sat with each other in the canteen. It was my first time to had lunch in a canteen. You are wondering if my school back home have a canteen. The answer is no. We got restaurants inside our school.

"What do you call this food?" Isabella asked Quinn.

Quinn gave Isabella what-planet-are-you-from look and it made me smile. "Don't you have that kind of food in your country? Or at your school? It's a corned beef sandwich."

"Corned beef sandwich. Hmm. It's delicious," Isabella said talking a bite. "And you have this kind of drinks in here. A packed juice."

"Uhm, yeah," Quinn said her eyebrows raised.

"Sorry about this Quinn," I said laughing. "At home, we don't have this kind of sandwich and this kind of packed juice."

"What country are you from anyway?" Quinn asked taking a bite on her sandwich.

"Adendar," I replied. "Have you heard it before?"

"Adendar? Not really. Is it in Europe?" Quinn asked.

While Isabella was talking to Quinn about our country I noticed a guy watching me. I looked closely and saw the guy from the park. And he was walking towards us. Oh no! What should I do?

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