Chapter 2- The Decision

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After contemplating for a while, Lauren decided that it was just best to follow her parents idea and do this masquerade party. Deep in her heart Lauren didn't not want to do this what so ever but in her brain she felt that she should. Lauren never believed in her heart so she just followed her brain .

Lauren went to the bathroom and looked at herself. Her mascara was runny and her eyes were very puffy. She realized that she wouldn't look serious to her parents if she came to them like this. She turned on the faucet and splashed water all over her face. Once her eyes were looking a bit more normal, Lauren applied more mascara. She looked at herself and smiled. Lauren never really applied makeup. Lauren's parents would rant for hours on how Lauren should start wearing makeup on a daily basis. "Gotta make sure you look perfect for anything. Don't want any pimple or zit to be shown love." says Lauren's mom.

Lauren took one last glance at herself in the mirror and left the bathroom. She walked down the long corridor once again. She stopped at the second to last door and sighed. Lauren thought of what happened earlier. She thought of the things she said earlier and instantly regretted every single word. She knew that her parents were trying to make her safe. Because once they die, she'll have no one to lean on. But if she gets a prince, she will have someone to cry on and she'll feel more assured. 'I guess what they were doing was for the best' Lauren thought.

"Come in Lauren." Lauren's mom beckoned Lauren in. Lauren came in and started walking towards her. Her hands started to get clammy and her stomach erupted with a million butterflies. Lauren's mom was sitting on the bed with Lauren's dad sitting next to her.

"Is there something you would like to say to us Lauren." Lauren's dad asked sternly. Lauren cringed at this and her anxiety grew even further. Her whole body started shaking and she instantly came down to her knees. Both of Lauren's hands reached her head and she started screaming. Lauren's mom rushed towards her and hugged her. Lauren started crying again and her breathing became faster and faster. She was breathing at a quick pace that she felt that she was going to faint.

"Lauren." Lauren's mom said, softly. "Take deep breaths Lauren, deep breaths." Lauren did as her mother told. She took several deep breaths until it felt like her panic attack was almost gone. Lauren's mom sighed and let go of her. Lauren's mom grew of worry and trauma as to what her daughter experienced. She never seen that side of Lauren, nor did she ever see her daughter scream that loud.

"I'----m s-orr-y mo-m." Lauren stammered "I just got so nervous. Especially with Dad saying something in such a stern voice. It scared me mom. It really did. I don't' really know why I did that, I'm just really sorry." Lauren started hugging her mom as if a tree was about to hit them from above. Lauren's mom did the same.

"There's nothing to be sorry about love. I know, right now life a little bit overbearing. With you becoming cornated, getting a prince, and now holding responsibility to this village. It's tough love. I've been through it. And guess who still looks pretty after all those years." Both of them laughed.

"So Lauren.." Lauren's mom finally said. "What brings you here anyway?"

"Oh." Lauren said, a little weary of answering that question. With all this commotion, Lauren forgot of about how she was going to tell them about she was ok with the masquerade party. She sighed and agreed that she can't back down now.

"I know this must be really weird for me after our little fight earlier. But I finally agreed that we should do this masquerade thing. I don't really like the idea but if it's for you guys to happy. I might as well do." Lauren answered. In every single word she said, Lauren felt a huge flood of relief swarm all over her. She felt happy. Lauren's mom smiled and nodded.

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