Infected Puddles

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The wet smack of my shoes on asphalt.
Echo's softly.
The light breeze brushed upon my cheeks.
Playing tag.

The street lamps were man made stars.
Leading me through the sea of concrete.
The glow of fresh rain.
Shimmered like a disco ball on a dance floor.

The night air was feeding my soul.
As decadently as fresh, warm, fudge brownies.
The dark smells of the damp earth.
Swallowed me like a blanket.

The night sky had cried.
As if it missed the warmth of the sun.
The crickets played their beautiful, memorizing songs.
Water droplets from the street lights made the beat.
Warm tears fell from my face.

I walked down the lonesome road without a trace.
The wind whispered in my ear.
It's time.

My body fell with a slight thud.
Blood trickled down my head.
A bullet shell clapped against the ground.
As a puddle of blood gathered and infected the water puddles.

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