The Queen Has Returned

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It was Monday morning, a few weeks after the big announcement in the gym. The students at Rosewood were going about their usual morning routines; however, the arrival of Allison had many on edge. No one knew what to expect, especially her four closest friends.

"I still can't believe she's coming back today" said Hanna anxiously, staring at the entrance.

"Me neither, I stopped by her house yesterday to check up on her. She seemed ready" said Spencer, grabbing some books out of her locker.

"I texted this morning asking if she wanted a ride, but she said her Mom was going to drive her" said Aria, taking a sip of her coffee.

The girls were at their lockers, awaiting the return of their long lost friend. Emily remained quiet.

"Em, she asked about you AGAIN" said Spencer, raising her eyebrows at Emily.

"Cool" said Emily with a glare

"Whoa, ease up killer, don't shoot the messenger" said Spencer, throwing her hands up in the air

"You still haven't spoken to her Em? C'mon she's been back for a few weeks now and hasn't stopped asking about you. She really wants to explain herself, and we all know she cares the most about you" said Hanna

"Yeah Em give her a chance to explain herself, I mean sure Ali has done some messed up stuff but no one is perfect and this is Ali we're talking about. You used to adore her" said Aria, chiming in

"Used too. Because I thought she was someone who's she's not. I don't understand how it was so easy for you guys to take her back, and let things fall back the way they were. Allison is manipulative and a liar who uses people and then throws them away when she's done. She's a selfish bitch, and I wish I never had to look at her again" said Emily viciously, feeling the heat rush to her face.

"Em, I know you're really hurt, we all are. But if you just give her a chance to explain..."

"I don't want to hear it Spencer. Nothing she says will change everything she's done, including leaving us. I'm done with her, and I'm done with this conversation" said Emily, slamming her locker and storming off.

"Man oh man, today should be interesting" said Hanna, shaking her head

"Allison really did break her heart you guys, she was in love with her. It was definitely easier for us to deal with this than it was for Emily" said Aria, sympathetically.

"You're right, I just hope she's able to come to terms with her feelings and hear Ali out so she can just forgive her and move on" said Spencer.

By now Emily was at the end of the hall, heading to her first period class. She'd rather be 10 minute early to class than have to stand with her friends another minute and talk about Alison. Despite being honest with them about everything that happened between her and Ali, they would never understand how betrayed she felt. 

"Ooop sorry!" said Emily, running into someone as she was rounding the corner in speed

"It's quite alright. Where you speeding off to?" asked Mya with a smile on her face

"Hey you" said Emily, instantly smiling and taking her girlfriends hand

She leaned in and gave Mya a quick good morning kiss, then let her forehead linger against Mya's, breathing in her scents which calmed Emily down a bit.

"I'm heading to class, wanna walk me?"

"You got it babe"

The two girls continued to hold hands as they walked down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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