Obvious Decisions

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Gray walked into the guild hall for the third day in a row wondering the same question...

Where was she?

Usually as soon as he entered the door, she would have clung to him, or called out to him, or he would just feel her eyes on him. But the past three days have been different.


No clinging. No happy voice. No watchful gaze...

No Juvia.

This was weird and was freaking the young man out. That's when a thought hit him. Maybe she had just went on a job? Usually she would ask him to come along before leaving, but maybe it was urgent. He shook his head, walking up to Mira as she served Fairy Tail's mages.

She seemed to have noticed his questioning gaze and turned to smile sweetly at him. "What can I do for you Gray?"

"I was actually wondering if Juvia took a job. I haven't seen her around lately." He was mentally prepared for that sweet, but evilly coning, smile she always gave when he asked about the Water Mage, but became a bit worried when her smile faltered instead.

"No... She hasn't taken a job, and I haven't seen her come to the guild in a few days... To tell the truth I'm a bit worried." He frowned but nodded. If Mira hasn't seen her, then she hasn't been in. The Ice Mage glanced around the room and spotted the next person to ask. If Mira doesn't know what happened to the Water Mage, that guy was the next to ask. So he walked up to him, who was sitting at a table with Lily in the corner.

"Hey Gajeel." The Iron Dragon Slayer glanced up at him with his sharp gaze. Gray knew very well how close the two were, even if they never announced it. If he didn't know then there may be a problem. "I was wondering where Juvia is. She hasn't been to the guild in a few days, and Mira told me she didn't take a job."

Lily glanced to Gajeel, who glanced back before chewing the rest of his metal, clearly making an excuse not to speak. Lily only rolled his eyes, finding that an annoyed 'Older Brother Gajeel' was quite amusing before answering Gray. "We're also a bit worried. Especially with the weather the way it is..."

Gray blinked. The weather? He glanced outside as someone came in through the doors. "It looks like it might..." Realization hit him. "Rain..?"

Gajeel sat up, seriously crossing his arms as Lily did the same, nodding. The Dragon Slayer took in a deep breath through the nose. "Yup. Those are definitely Juvia's clouds."

Gray blinked at him again. "You can tell?" He nodded while glancing downward. "I'd know that scent anywhere..."

There was a silence after that before Gajeel broke it with an annoyed expression. "It's probably your fault too...Or at least about you." Gray's eyebrow twitched. "What? I didn't do anything!"

Gajeel glared at him. "Oh yeah? Don't ya think you hurt her every time you call 'er creepy and push her away? She may not act like it in front of you, but she does have feelings!" Gray's eyes widened. Was he really been hurting her?

His hair covered his eyes. "I-It's not like...I don't like her..." It was barely a whisper, but the Dragon Slayer and the Exceed had heard, their ears perking up. Lily knew Gajeel was growing in anger, but then again, so was he. Lily looked up at him calmly though. "If that's true, why haven't you done anything about it?"

Gray didn't look at them, avoiding both their gazes as he spoke. "I just...need some time..." Gajeel sneered, standing and grabbing the Ice Mage by the shirt. "You listen here..." His voice was darker than Gray has ever heard it before, but he listened, not really in the mood to fight back right now.

Obvious Decisions {Gruvia}Where stories live. Discover now