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Hey this is Devil_MoonPride and this song is called midnight hope u guys like it

Boy, it's midnight...midnight

It's that time... it's that time again

Where everybody goes insane

Goes insane

And this is where we can lose control

Cuz it's that time for

the ride of our lives

And everybody wants

That..Wants that

What we have

Cuz it's midnight...midnight

The magical night

And its where everyone

Can lose control

And boy it's midnight..midnight

The time of our lives

And where we can  lose control

Cuz it's that time

Where we can lose it

Cuz it's midnight

And everybody wants that

Wants that

What we have and everybody else is

Loosen it

Cuz it's midnight...midnight

It's time to lose control ohhhh

And boy, were gonna lose control tonight

Cuz it's midnight

Badadada.. Badadada ..midnight

Oh oh it's time for the sun to rise


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