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Shelby's p.o.v
"I'm so bored!" Reagan said fixing her white bandana
"Not much longer, hopefully!" I said referring to my birthday party
Reagan was Shawn's daughter. We were only a little bit apart in age. Apparently Shawn's ex Madison was pregnant when he broke up with her, so. They ended up getting back together, for Reagan's sake. Today my twin brother jake and I have our 13th birthday! I was so hype to be a teen. My phone buzzed.
Mom👸-we're ready!
Me-On my way!
I put my phone in my pocket.
"They're ready!" I squealed
"Finally!" She huffed
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped.
"Scare ya!" Jake laughed
"Yes! Jesus warn me next time!" I said holding my chest
"What's the fun in that!" My "special friend" Luke said
"LUKE!" I yelled running to him
He opened his arms and we hugged.
"I'm so happy you could make it!" I said looking up at him
"Why would I miss my girls birthday!" He said smiling
"Now I know why you are here!" Jake said crossing his arms
"Dude, for you to!" Luke said holding his hands up in defense
We started walking back to the house. Like intertwined our fingers. I looked and smiled at him. Luke and I have been dating secretly for a month now. Reagan and jake know, but I'm not really suppose to date. That's why I don't tell anyone else. We finally got to the house and I let Luke's hand go. He rolled his eyes. He hates keeping "us" a secret. I opened the door and I was greeted with a lot of "surprise's".
"Haha thanks guys!" Jake and I said at the same time.
"Man, you guys even talk alike!" Matt said hugging us
"Group hug!" Mahogany yelled
All the guys, mahogany, my grandparents, and my mom hugged us.
"Let....g..GO!" Jake yelled
They laughed and we all went to enjoy the party.
After I opened gifts and did all the activities the party was over.
"That's my mom!' Luke said as a horn honked
I nodded and walk to the door with him. We hugged and he kissed my head. I blushed.
"Bye!" He Said opening the door
"Bye!" I said shutting it behind him
"What was that?" I turned to see my mom
"Ummmm, nothing!" I lied
"Oh c'mon" she said walking towards me
"No, really!" I said trying to make my way to the stairs
"You know if you just would have told me, I would be cool with it." She said blocking my way
I sighed
"So, how long have you two been together?" She asked with one eyebrow up
"Only a month!" I said
"Do you think your dad will be mad?" She asked
"I hope not!" I said with big eyes
She giggled "I'll talk to him!"
I smiled and nodded. I walked up stairs once she moved. I walked in my room and there was a small package on my bed. There was a note. "Watch with your brother~ Becky"
I opens it up and there was a DVD. I walked to jakes room and sat beside him on his bed. I put the DVD in my laptop.
"What are you doing?" He asked
"Just watch with me!" I said hitting him a little
I started the video and I guy popped up who looked just like jake and I.
"Hey kiddos. If you're watching this I'm gone, but you guys need to know about me. My name is Jacob whitesides and I'm your dad. I know what your thinking "I'm crazy" but I'm telling the truth. Your mom and I started dating when she was 18. We dated for seven months and I found out I have cancer. Your mom took  it hard. They told us that I had 2 weeks to live. All the guys, which I hope you know, and I went on a crazy adventure with soph and my mom. We went sky diving, camping, scuba daiving, and so much more. Sadly all fun must come to an end. That is where I am. I know that I won't be here much longer and your mom just told me she was pregnant. I'm so sorry I'm not with you today. I hopes taylor takes good care of you two. I know he will. Don't blame your mom for this either. It was my idea to wait until your older. I hope this all makes since to you two. I love you guys! Until we meet!" The screen turned black.
I could believe what I just saw.
"What the heck was that!" Jake said
"I..I...don't know" I said closing my Mac
"Are you ok?" He asked me
I shook my head no with tears streaming down my face now. I stood up and took the DVD out. I ran down stairs and stomped to my mom and my now step father.
"What is this!" I yelled
"What are you talking about sweetie?" He asked
"Your not my real dad?" I asked
"What?" My mom asked
"Watch it yourself!" I said throwing the DVD to them.
I ran out the front door. I was now bawling.
"Shelby wait!" I heard jake yell.
He caught up to me.
"Where are you going?" He asked
I shrugged.
"Want to go to sky's?" He asked
I nodded.
Sky was like our aunt. Even though she was Nash's sister. We walked up to her door.

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