The world meeting

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Berlin's pov///

To day I'm going to the world meeting. I was amazed by the size of the hall were the meeting would be held. I walk inside I see a whole lot of country's one of the country's is fighting with the other one has long blonde hair while the other on has short blond hair with very well how do I say this very bushy eyebrows it is like he has two rabbit tails glued to his for head. There is an other country who has light brown hair and keeps saying "I'm the hero!!" God he is annoying. I took a seat next to this really big country he had a wight scarf on he also had a big nose but he looked cute he didn't talk so nether did I. Then my older brother Prussia sits next to me. " Hey every one look I brought my little sister here to show her how awesome I am, isn't she hot ! " my brother yelled for everyone to here . I started to blush really bad I hate to show of my emotions and I hate my brother sometimes to. I could feel all the countries staring at me. "Shut up brother don't embarrass me!!" I whisper yelled at him. He got up and went behind me. Suddenly I felt him grab my breasts. "Wow Berlin you have grown . Hey Russia my sister has boobs almost as big as Ukraine's. " I saw the man next to me look down to see my brother squishing my boobs . My face lit up . " PRUSSIA LET GO OVE ME OR I WILL RIP YOUR HANDS OFF !!!!" I yelled at him . He let go as soon as I got up I looked down at my cowering brother beneath me . " grab my breasts again and I will make you so you wish you were never born your Lucky countries are immortal. Now leave my sight. " I growled at him . I could see the fear in his eyes he shook his head and ran to Germany . He then started scolding Prussia for groping me. I could see everyone staring at me again. I herd whispers like wow she is really scary and she is more frightening than Russia. I then started to feel really bad because I came here to make friends instead I sacred them away like normal . Ugh I hate my life. I could feel tears start to prickle my eyes. " I need to go." I said then turned to the door and left before my brothers could grab me. I made the decision of wandering around the hall till I found a small room . Where I hung my head and let all the tears fall silently so one could here me . I hate it when people think I'm weak. When I stopped a surgin Russian man came through the door. " hello I'm sorry I don't think I have met you personally. I am Russia and you are? " he asked . "I'm Berlin . Why are you here am
No not running away like every one else? " " I know how you feel I'm not afraid of you just sorry but I don't have many friends ether . I get you Berlin me and you are very similar. " " Thank you for those words do you think anyone will be my friend?" "I will how about you come over to my place, Da ? " " Sure when? " " next weekend. " "sounds great I just have to ask my brothers. Bye !" I waved goodbye to the kind man. I went outside to wait for my brothers I wonder if my brothers will let me go ?

Hi my little tardis's thank you all very much shout out to at iorheawesomeprussia  who helped with this chapter if any of you guys have ideas put them in the comments don't forget to vote till the next time I update I bid thee a due . 😊

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