Chapter 19

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A/N~Sorry for not updating in a long time...I'll start to update now tho ;)


Harry's *POV**

It's been one month for me and Zayn.I couldn't be happier to be honest.He makes everyday better than the day before.Louis and Niall has been together for 1 month and 4 days.I know this because since Louis went to visit his mom for a few days that's all Niall has been talking about.Louis should be back tomorrow though.Sometimes me and Zayn can hear Niall crying at night because Louis wasn't there.He's happier today since we are going to a carnival.We are waiting on Liam and Zaynie to get back from the store.

"What ride are you & Zayn planning on riding first?" Niall asks excitedly.

"The Zipper" I say with a smile upon on my face.

Our conversation went on until Zayn came in through the door.He came up to me and kissed me.

"Missed you beautiful". He said then kissed me again.

"Missed you even more". I say

I can tell tonight will be fun with him and the others :)!

Louis' *POV**

I'm currently in Doncaster with my family.I missed them all so much but right now Im missing Niall.I know he misses me too because every morning I wake up to a beautiful voice mail from him.He's the best.I swear I'm deeply in love with him.I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

Anyways right now Im helping my mom with cooking but I'm making the tea.My sisters are playing in their rooms and Mark {my step dad} is in the living room drinking again.Ever since I got here that's all he has been doing.It's driving me absolutely crazy.

I told mom how I felt about his alcohol problem and all she said was "I can't control what he does anymore".

I can't change it but I wish I could.

Honestly, my little sisters don't need to be anywhere near around that mess.I want them to have a good childhood.
Not one where all they remember of Mark is drinking all the time and coming home late because he was at a bar.It's just ridiculous and stupid.He needs to fix it to be honest.

I push away those kinds of thoughts since tonight is my last night with my family for a while.I smile when I see my sisters start to fix the table for dinner.

The tea is done so I pour it into a picture then put it at the center of the table.I decide to send a cute message to Niall because I miss him.

To:Love Of My Life~~I miss you babe.
I can't wait to see you tomorrow.Your the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you.You are the love of my life and I wouldn't trade you for anyone or anything.You're mine and I'm yours...Forever <3 -LouBear

I send it with a smile on my face.He deserves the absolute best so I try to do my best for him.I instantly got a message back.

From~The Love Of My Life~~Awe babe.You make me the happiest person on this world.I love you even more.I miss you babe.Cant wait till tomorrow.Have a great night sleep beautiful.I love you so so so much. <3

I smiled and blushed at the message.I put my phone away and joined my family at the dinner table.

I'm the luckiest person.

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