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I will have 9 people joining my book.And ONLY 9!Last book some people commented w bit late.So once the contest ends,you can't ask for an entry.

The only boys from the Vanoss crew that are available are:Vanoss,Mini Ladd,Wildcat,Moo,Silent droidd,Nogla,Terroriser,Lui,and Basically.

Here's what you've gotta write in the comments to join:

Name:(First and Last)
Age:(Has to be 16)
Looks:(Not including your outfit)
Normal outfit:
Assassin outfit:
Assassin skill:(Such as knife throwing,sword using,and others)
Code name:

Let the contest-or should I say HELL-begin!

Assassins (A Vanoss Crew Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora