Chapter 1

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AN- The Doctor has been infected with a virus that is making it to where he can't regenerate.

On with the story!!!

Doctor's Point of View

"Well this is just Fantastic, you know Dying." His voice was shaky. I was confused why he said that. 

"What would you know YOU got us into this!" I spoke Harshly to The Master.

"What? Me?" How dare he play innocent with me.

" Yes! You were the one who tried to use Arbloins as slaves!!"

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds like it, but I was only trying to use their strength to take over Earth."

 "Exactly my point, if you wouldn't always try to take over Earth this wouldn't have happened!"He gave me a look then his eyes widened. 

"Well, I would love to stay and chat but, I have to go!" He pulled up his sleeve for me to find out he had a Vortex Manipulator! 

"NO!" I tried to stop him, but I was too late. Then I remembered something, something crazy, but it just might work. I ran to a storage room, and dug around. Finally I found it, an old golden fob-watch. I rubbed my finger over the engravings, a bunch of gears that seem to be turning in there own time. A pain in my gut brought me back into the reality. I ran back into the console room.

I'm a little scared because I've never had to use this machine. But it's the only way. I find the machine above my head. I just hope...Wait I have to find a place to hide this, but where. Maybe she knows where. She probably does.

I hit a few switches and flip a few levers and I finally land. "So, where have you taken me this time?" I look around to what appears to be a dense forest. Hmm  that tree, doesn't look like a tree. I take out my screwdriver, wow this maybe is the last time I...well in this body, I hope this works. My screwdriver flickers once, then twice. After a few more seconds a door opens inside the tree. Huh, looks like a radio of some sorts, But instead of a dial just four switches. Oh it must be a code, Ooh I just love codes. The pain in my gut has now moved to my chest. " Ouch, oh oh, Okay I guess I'm..." I don't get to finish because my vision becomes blurry and my head starts to spin. Then I think I passed out.

Quick AN the whole show is almost the same until Not what he seems, So there is only three points of where the story will be in that era.

Time Skip to first episode of Gravity Falls Dipper just finds the Journal  

Third Person Point of View 

"Grunkle Stan making me put up these stupid signs." Dipper says aloud as he hammers the signs into the trees. "This town really gives me the creeps, I'm probably going to be eaten by an animal or something out here." Dipper put the nail on the next tree, Clank! "What the? Is this metal?" Dipper hits the area of the tree with his knuckle, Clank! Dipper notes that there's a small opening in the tree. He pries the space open, in the cobweb filled space there looks to be an old radio, but instead of a dial there are four switches. Dipper blows the cobwebs away and flicks the odd switches (The first and third). A loud noise comes from behind Dipper, he looks at the new hole in the Earth. "What is this?" Dipper looks in the hole to see cobwebs...Just cobwebs.Dipper uses a sign to clear the cobwebs from the hole. Once the cobwebs are out the way Dipper sees a Gold six fingered hand with a three in it. Dipper feels the hand and discovers it's a book. The book appears old, very old. Dipper turns the book to it's side. A small Fob-Watch falls out of the book.  The watch was gold and in the center there was engravings of gears. Dipper slowly felt the gears. Dipper started to music, not a song but soft drumming. Dipper looked for the source. The only logical option was the fob-watch, Dipper decided the best thing to do was open it and see if it was the source of the drumming. Dipper opens the watch, a gold energy stream hits Dipper. His eyes turn bright gold and he loses consciousness. 

"Dipper, wake up." A older voice spoke to our young Dipper.  Dipper looked at the man, his gold eyes shone, while his suit was dark and worn. 

"Who are you?" Dipper spoke to the unknown man cautiously.

"Well Dipper this is a difficult thing to say but. We're now the same person."

AN- Well I want to get to the actual story not back story so I'm going to summarize. Dipper doesn't trust The Doctor so he pushes him to the back of his mind. Dipper then goes through the whole First Season with a voice in his head asking him for control, until Gideon Takes Mabel and Dipper starts walking away. That is where this part takes place.

"What are you doing, Are you giving up!?" The Doctor yelled at Dipper. 

"Yes, I am, There's nothing I can do. He won. I lost." Dipper retaliated with the truth he believed.

"Your right there's nothing you can do...But there is something we can do."

"What are you saying?"

"Together, Dipper Together we can defeat that pest!"

"How could we..." Dipper was caught off by The Doctor.

"We can do it, Dipper we have to try, He has Mabel who knows what he is going to do with her?"      Dipper sees The Doctor's point. 

"You're right, for Mabel." Dipper held his hand out to The Doctor. The Doctor shook his hand and they began to merge. Two personalities becoming one. The Dipper in the real world's eyes became a Blueish-gold instead of pure blue. A rush of energy filled Dipper and he charged back to Gideon.

AN- Now we are Skipping  to After the Season one final and before Season two starts. This is going to get sad. Sorry about this.

"Dipper, Mabel! Come Here!" Stan's voice boomed threw the closed shack. Dipper thought it was weird that Stan would close the Shack, but Dipper didn't protest, now there wasn't strangers inside their home/tourist trap. Dipper and Mabel found Stan on his chair in the living room. His face was serious and his eyes were slightly watered. 

"Hey Stan, what did you need?" Mabel asked the visibly damaged old man.

"Kids there is something I need to tell you," He paused, looking for the correct words to enlighten the twins. "Ugh...If..." Stan took a deep breath. "If you had to stay here, in Gravity Falls would you?" 

Dipper saw straight through the question. "Stan what happened?"

"Okay, you got me. What I meant to say was..." Stan started to tear up, why he was the twins didn't know. "Your parents...Kids your parents are dead." As soon as the words left his lips the twins broke. A cold silence hung in the air. Dipper was the first to muster words.


"Dip, they died in a car accident early this morning, the hospital call as soon as they were pronounced dead." All that was the twins, was now tears. Mabel hugged Dipper not wanting to believe their parents were dead, but she knew she had to. Dipper held his oldest and happiest friend  that was now nothing but tears. Dipper then thought of a new problem.

"Stan, what's going to happen to us?" 

"Child Protective Services gave you guys a choice; Stay here in Gravity Falls or go back to Piedmont and live with your Grandma." Mabel looked at Dipper, they both had the same idea. 

"We'll stay here in Gravity Falls." The twins spoke in unison.

AN- Dipper and Mabel do get over their parents death, Now everyone was sorry for the twins. Bill even said they need to keep hope and that great things were coming. Now we're going to Equestria, just after the Nightmare Moon incident.

"Pinkie are you sure this is a good idea, The Everfree Forest isn't the safest place to find ingredients for cupcakes."

"I know Twilight, but I need to find a certain ingredient,I don't know what it is yet but I'll know it when I see it. Twilight knew Pinkie was just being herself but why did she have to be brought into this. As the ponies trot along to winding trail, a portal appeared in front of them sucking them in. Both ponies found themselves in a state of unconsciousness.

AN- Okay i know that was short but I'm going to end the chapter here and Next time. Twilight and Pinkie discover a new world, And Dipper Faces his worst enemy School. Also do you guys prefer if I write in third person or in first person tell me in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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