3: My feelings on tutoring

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Uhm, I guess tutoring has it's good point along with its bad points.

I haven't had much happy memories/experiences with tutoring,

Why you ask?

Normally I don't tell people cause I'm afraid they'll think I'm boasting.

Well, when I was in Grade 5, I was already doing Uhm, Grade 11 shit.


Thanks Kumon.

So I guess it's good if you're behind at school,

And bad if you have too much work to do,

So for example me,

I have to do school homework,
And Tutoring.

So my work kinda piles up and I mostly don't get to finish my homework for school.

But for maths at school,

It's really easy because I've already learnt it all.

So ugh,

I don't know.

-kuroma hiyori

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