Studio 19

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1 year later

Chloe's POV:
Well life's great now! I've joined Studio 19 complex. My teacher is called Tessa and she's super nice. I've made lots of new friends. Emiline, Bridget, Danielle, Courtney, Alicia and many more. But those 5 are my gang at dance. We all know each other and we are not getting compared. Paige and I are still twinnies for life and I couldn't ask for anything better.

After School

Christi's POV:
"Chloe and Clara, get in the car. We have to go to dance!"
"Starbucks or Dunking Doughnuts?"
"STARBUCKS", screamed out Clara and Chloe
"Alright then!" Christi said.

"May I please have 1 Iced Coffee and 2 Chocolate Shakes."

At the studio:
Tessa's POV:
Ok girls! Come one in!
We had a great win at sheer talent with full scores!! My two solos were placed 1st and 2nd in the same division and my trio won 1st! Congratulations girls so now up to assignments.
Okay so we're going to do the group dance "tears".
I have two solos. Chloe you have a solo and Courtney!
Okay girls we have a new girl coming to our team but I won't tell you who she is and she's coming tomorow!
Let's start warming up, leg stretches ready 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Chloe's POV:
Courtney is rehearsing her solo so the girls and I are having a 10 minute break.
"I wonder who the new girl is?. I love when new students join this studio!"
"Ikr Chlo can't wait!" Said Alicia.

"Chloe your turn for rehearsal." Said Tessa.
"Ok Chloe, your solo is called strong. It's lyrical and you really need to use your face emotions and I think you do it really well so let's get on to it!" Said Tessa

I really like my solo! It's one of the best ones so far and I'm excited for performing it on stage this Saturday.

Christi's POV:
"Time for dinner girls!"
"Hey girls how was dance?"
"Awesome Mom! I have a solo called strong and there's a new girl joining our team tomorow." Said Chloe
"That's wonderful what about you Clara?"
"I'm in a trio with Amelia, Christelle and Jewel!" Replied Clara.
"That's wonderful now let's get ready for bed?" Said Christi.

"Goodnight ladies! Sleep tight!"

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