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Luke's POV

I take Davey's hand and pull her into bed. "You need to be careful. I can't always stop myself." I say watching her. I take off my shirt and lay down.

She looks at me and moves over so she is straddling me. I smirk at our position and look into her eyes. Sitting up.
"I have faith that you can stop yourself. You gave me your word and so far you haven't broken it." She says tracing the tattoos on my chest.

I lean my head against hers and say "I hope I never do." She smiles and looks me in the eyes. Her eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips.

You see I've been around for a very long time. And I've had my fair share of girls. But I've only ever had two relationships.

I move in and connect out lips placing my hands on her face. She smiles into the kiss as our lips move in sync.

I quickly flip us over so that I'm straddling her. She gasps and I take the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Our youngest explore each other's mouths and I put my hand on he waist where her shirt isn't covered.

She places her hands in my hair and pulls ever sought my. I smirk into the kiss and move my hand higher upper shirt so I'm tracing circles on her ribcage.

She turns her head and places her hand in mine. I kiss her cheek and sit up a little placing my hands on both sides of her head. "Luke.. I'm not ready to go all the way." She whispers looking away from my eyes.

I place my hand on her chin so she's looking at me. "Me either." I whisper. Kissing her cheek yet again.

She searches my eyes and smiles. She leans up and place a soft and passionate kiss on my lips.

I roll off of her and pull her into my chest. She smiles and cuddles into my side getting herself comfortable.

I watch as she slowly drifts off to sleep. It doesn't take long for me to drift off either.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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