How To Achieve OBE

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How To Achieve OBE - Azreal


Hello, my name is Azrael. Well actually it's Mike but you didn't need to know that. What you might need to know is that what follows is a guide designed to teach you how to have an OBE without being scared witless (or rather how to cope with it if you do find yourself scared witless). And if all goes well, more than one. This guide is geared to those people who haven't had an OBE at all and are a bit perplexed by all the rea ms of

techniques, advice and general overwhelmingness of the SUBJECT. I've been in your position so I know what it feels like. You hear about all the cool things you can do and wonder if it's actually possible. That's the very

first step on your road to projection - the wondering. By accepting the possibility and maybe even being interested in giving it a go yourself you are one step closer to discovering one of the greatest things imaginable.

So what do I know? How do you know that what I'm about to tell you isn't a load of rubbish made up by someone with far too much time on their hands? You don't. I don't claim any 'special powers' or 'superhuman abilities'. All I can tell you is what I know personally to be the truth... my truth. The belief is your choice. It may help if you knew how I stumbled upon projection in the first place. It was an accident. I was undergoing a session of hypnotherapy almost 9 years ago and during the trance

induction I found myself facing my own body and the back of the hypnotist. At first I didn't have a clue what had happened (and still didn't for at least a year and a half afterwards), however I figured something was odd when I could see things from my new position that I wouldn't have been able to from the body in the chair - and when I returned to my body (about 10 seconds after I left it) and got up to leave, spooked by the whole thing, I confirmed that I had seen what I thought I had. That got me interested. Anyway, a long time, a lot of study and a decent number of projections later here I am telling you all this. I still haven't figured out everything (I'm not even sure that's possible), but I know enough to attempt to guide you to experience the same things I, and everyone else who can project, experience. This guide is based on my own experiences and experiments but the things mentioned here are not set in stone

and you ma y feel free to adapt, improvise, or completely disregard anything you feel isn't working for you (although I'd prefer it if you didn't do the last one without being sure). So, here it is.

Good luck.

Motivations : Why do you want to project? I know most, if not all of you just want to jump in and get started with projecting but first it might be a good idea to ask yourself why you want to project. If someone had asked me a few years ago why I did it then I don't think I would have been able to give them a straight answer. Now I know for sure; but my reasons don't matter, you're doing this for yourselves. However, it's a lot more difficult question than you think and while it may at first seem irrelevant, your motivations play a big part in your likelihood to succeed. Consider two different people, both with two different goals and both approaching projection for the first time. The first person can think of only what they can achieve once they're out and free to go more or less where they

like. I'm speaking of the things that we've all wished we could do if we suddenly had the power of invisibility, such as spying on people (looking in on members of the opposite sex seems to be a common theme), going

places with little regard to privacy or whether or not you should be there... you get the idea. While projection seems like the perfect opportunity to do all the clandestine things you've ever wanted to do; in my own

experience this doesn't seem to be the case. See, just like you can use your will consciously while projected to go places and do plenty of other things (more on that later), the same seems to be true for everybody else in the world. Only their will is enforced subconsciously while they are still in their bodies. I'll give you an example:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2009 ⏰

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