Renewed : Week 1

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"Logan, sweetheart" My fathers raspy kind voice prodded. I willed myself to get out of bed. I looked out my window and saw Jason Smith outside. He was hugging Rebecca. She was an all around good girl. She goes to church, has highest honors grades, and definitely doesn't know where he has been. He has done drugs and drank until he was ugly. He is my next door neighbor and hasn't talked to me since 7th grade. We were best friends for a while. Until he decided to take a turn for the worse. I remembered the good times.

I sat at the river with my feet dipped in. Jason came up behind me and pushed me into the muddy water. "This is gross." I said spitting out the water. He smirked at me before dunking my head in again laughing.

I smiled at the memory. I got out of bed and got ready for school. It was rainy and I put on shin high lace up boots and a leather jacket. Leather might not cope well in the rain but I didn't care all that much. I sighed and looked in my mirror. 'Logan you're powerful, you play football and aren't afraid to get down and dirty' I still felt left out. No girls ever really talked to me. A guy named Austin was my best friend. I was a WR in Football because I'm quick on my feet, I can catch and I can take a hit. But the voice in the back of my head kept telling me I wasn't strong enough. Nobody liked me. I shook it off and grabbed my bag. Across the street I saw Jason crawl in the car while Rebecca stroked his hair. She may think she's all that but by tomorrow she'll be a mess. That's the way it worked when you got involved with Jason Smith. You get involved, then he pushes you away. I knew this. I was the first girl he played.

We sat at the 'cinema' in his backyard. It was a sweet movie. I held his hand tightly. He was looking over at me the whole time. I looked back at him. He started to lean in. But so did I. We kissed for what felt like forever. When we finally pulled apart I said it. "I love you" and he didn't say it back. All he said was, "It was all a dare."

That crushed me. My heart was in pieces. I decided then, instead of mourning over a boy I would take up football. I did. I spent every moment watching it or practicing with my dad. It payed off greatly. I was smaller. But I was also fast. I could get through cracks bigger guys couldn't get through. I could speed down the field like nobody else. And Austin knew all of this. He knew why I got into football. He wanted to crush something. He is my twin brother after all. He wanted to kill him. Put him 6 feet under. But he didn't. He knew I still liked him and just let it be. "Austin, are you ready?" "Yup" I rushed downstairs and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and jumping in the back of his truck. We take a old dirt road with no police that leads us to the back of the school. Austin hopped in beside me and our dad started the car and we started rolling down the dirt road. He cranked up some country music and Austin and I jammed out in the back. "Bro" I said looking at him smiling, "Huh sis?" I smiled hard and hugged him tight. "I love you" He smiled and hugged me back. "I love you too... Dork" I looked up and snorted.

I grabbed a pile of mud as my brother came near me. He smirked holding something behind his back. It was mud. I threw my mud and bolted. I grabbed more as I was running and plopped it on his head. "Maybe you should be the wide receiver and I should be the quarterback. I'm holding back and giving it a quarter of my all, and your still receiving it widely." He then threw at me and it landed square in my face. "Selfie?" He clicked on the camera and took a picture of us. He then posted it on Facebook and ruined my social life.

I laughed at the memory. We showed up at the school. I walked to the the window and gave my dad a kiss before walking on. Austin caught up and walked beside me. It was silent not awkwardly but comfortably. Then I saw Justin. At MY locker. My breath hitched as I walked to it. "Whats up Logan" I muttered something unrepeatable. He looked at me with hurt. I almost bought into it. Almost. He was an actor, and this was real life.
"Logan, I'm sorry what happened back then but..."
"Save it for another one of those girls, I don't buy it. I loved you, and you broke my heart. And I know you're the same guy." I said tears filling my eyes. He looked regretful. And I wanted so badly to stay with him but, I knew he would float away. So I turned around and walked away. I would be the one that got away this time. I got a phone call from my dad.
"Hey sweetie"
"Hey dad"
"Do you need to be picked up today?"
"Okay" The phone beeped and I closed my eyes and walked to class. I ended up running into Austin. Literally running into him. I looked at him and I could see in his eyes. He knew I was upset. He probably knew why. He dragged me to the closet and sat me down.
"He- He tried to convince me he was better or good or whatever I didn't let him finish" Austin just sat there and let me talk. I cried into his shirt. I finally composed my self. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I sat and wiped my eyes. I stood up and walked out. It was the perfect day to wear waterproof mascara.

My dad was late. I sat in the cafeteria and watched as one after another the others got picked up. Until it was only Justin and I. He looked at me with hurt and guilt in his eyes. But I could see right through him unlike other girl's. I loved him and he broke me. Now it was my turn. His world was 100 miles away from mine.

A/N: Just so everyone knows I decided to do mine differently. Instead of a simple romance I decided to make the love a family type.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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