Chapter 6

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A/N: I can't think of an author's note XD

Phil POV
Damn it! Dad's home. "Er Dan please stay up here!" I said quickly and lept out of my bed. Oh please stay there Dan. Please. I ran down the stairs into the horrid scent of alcohol. I finally got into the kitchen were he stood with an half a bottle of booze in his hand.
"Dad can we do this another day I have a friend over." I told him. I knew it was no use. "He cannnnnnnn wait. Get me aaaaa beer philippppppp." He hiccuped. "Dad I think you had way enough to drink." I told him sternly.
His mindless expression turned dark. "Your the reasonnnn sheeeee died faggot." He snarled punching my chest. I stood there like I always would. I don't believe in fighting, especially an drunk man. He laughed. "Are youuuuuu a wusss phillll?" He threw a wild punch to my nose. It started to bleed. I stood and clenched my fists looking down. Drip. Drip. Drop. Drip. Specks of my blood dripped onto the dirty tiled floor. I ended giving up on cleaning downstairs because as soon as I would get it clean it would be messed up again. He kicked my stomach making me fall to the floor in pain. I tried to shield my stomach by wrapping my cut up arms around it but even in his drunken state the old man was stronger than me and ended up kicking once more in the stomach. "Lazy asssssss." He slurred as he stumbled to the fridge to grab another beer. "Get outtttt of my sighh lazzy ass!" He shouted. I scrambled up and started to rush up the stairs to get away from the drunken man. I got into my room and immediately sprayed myself with fabreeze despite the open wounds. It hurt it even worse but I didn't complain. Dan stared his eyes wide. "He will leave in five minutes. The longest he has stayed home was fifteen." I tried to explain. I expected him to leave us right there and right now. I wouldn't be surprised. "L-lion." He started to cry, a precious, shinny, crystal, blue, tear sliding down his cheek. "Oh kitten please don't cry. I'm okay. Really." I quickly slid on a shirt and ran over to Dan who sat on the bed and hugged him. I started to rock him slightly. He suddenly got up and grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. He sat me on the toilet and wiped a his eyes as he looked around for something. He finally found Neosporin and bandages and started to clean my wounds. After they were cleaned he picked me up bridal style and laid me onto the bed. He crawled in next to me. I laid my head onto his chest. He wrapped his arm around me protectivly. //idek how to spell that word sorry XD
"Get some rest lion I love you." Dan told me pecking my lips. "I love you too kitten." I murmured back. Is fell asleep with the brunette boy with the charming smile haunting my dreams.

/N: sorry sorry sorry about being so long with this update. I didn't think people actually read this so yeah XD sorry about that. Bye bye my muffins. *disappears wearing a spring trap costume* sorry about my love of fnaf xD

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