chapter2 annoying orange

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May 25 , 2000
Its the second day of kindergarden it was very boring but my boredum was replaced with a smile. We are going to art class the teacher said as I got up and ran to the door so I would be the first in line. "Good morning miss kennish." Mrs.kind said. I was so happy it was art class like soooooo happy. We were painting something like monique but a fruit haha amagine a fruit monique. I made a fruit bowl of apples pears grapes and lemmons. It was so cool. At lease I thought it was. Lol like an orange nya style. It was finally time to go home after the most tierding class in the world Mr.Johnsons class( teaches math) math used to be my favorite subject till now kindergarten is very confusing now that Mrs.wendly had to retire and we have Mr.Johnson he is very loud. The bell rang for everyone to get on the bus I took my wolverine lunch box and my wolverine backpack I got yesterday (wolverine is my favorite superhero other than the hulk) I rode the bus home with my older brother, we were the last person off leaving us very bored on the way home. When we finally got home I went to the garage and started painting I ended up painting another fruit basket like how Mrs.kind showed us today in art class. They were all oranges my favorite ANOYING FRUIT.

the life of bay kennish switched at birthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora