Down. Up. Limbo: A little perspective.

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Love? I love pain. Hope? I hope to make it through the day. Trust? What even is that? It's a dark dark world. Ignorant. Arrogant. Selfish. Bitter. Deceit. Grievous. subjective. Such a waste. What will be the point in the end? When we're encased deep within the earth left to rot, or floating on the breeze laying to rest in unexpected places and for the most unfortunate drifting among-st the weeds never to feel what it is to be dry again. This is reality.

But some of us, those who are fortunate are able to see the light in fog, the roses in the weeds and diamond in the coal. They make the most of what life is while its there, some even work to the bone to reach a level of happiness that is only temporary...and they find content in this. Its beautiful really. This is the positive outlook on reality.

Then there's the rest of us. Those who find escape in anything they can and then hold on to that feeling, hold onto it to get them through everything else. These are the so called amblers, those who create their own world, their bubble of life that needs topping up before it times out. This may not be facing the reality most desired but it brings us to eventually find our own happiness, its their to support us till our true purpose reveals itself.

I am guilty of escape. I am not ashamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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