Chapter 1

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Frostnight smiled at her first litter. Marigoldkit was the oldest, and definitely the brightest. She jumping around the den by the time Jaykit woke up. Dapplekit was the quietest and the smallest, always curled up beside Frostnight.

Frostnight knew how sad Sparkfoot and Bluejay felt recently- after their sister Mintbreeze died giving birth to her kits Hickorykit and Cloudkit their father Silvermask played with them whenever they wanted. Frostnight was raising her own kits as well as Mintbreeze's. Sparkfoot insisted upon it. She felt a happiness- her little daughter Jaykit was named after Bluejay, since the blue grey she-cat brought her to WillowClan, and more importantly, to Sparkfoot.

"Frostnight!" Jaykit's happy mew brought her to attention, "Can we go outside?"

"Sure, but make sure you stay with Dapplekit you two." She smirked at Marigoldkit who was quivering with excitement, "Take Hickorykit and Cloudkit with you."

The pair bounded outside, soon followed by their pair of cousins and Dapplekit close behind. Sparkfoot had just brought a border patrol back to camp, with Daisynose and Bluejay.

"Bluejay!" Jaykit yowled with happiness as she ran over to her 'hero'. She always felt sad when Bluejay just smiled at her. She was aware of Bluejay's muteness, but she wanted to talk to her! Bluejay smiled at the 5 kits, no one else could see it, but Jaykit saw her want to speak. But after she and Shadetail, Shadepaw then, returned to camp one night, Bluejay was still mute but Shadepaw had regained feeling in his back leg and became the highest jumper in WillowClan. She couldnt help but think that it couldve been the other way around.

"As usual, Bluejay gets all the attention." Sparkfoot joked, and Marigoldkit ran over to him.

"What happened on the patrol?" She asked with wide eyes as the others gathered around.

"Badger scent, Daisynose has gone to report it to Cloverstar." He nodded solemnly.

Thornleap's hunting patrol returned, it was the beginning of newleaf and their mouths were stuffed with fresh-kill. Jaykit never really liked Thornleap- maybe it was because he and Shadetail's mother Cloudstep was horrible to Bluejay. She quickly remembered that Thornleap, Shadetail, Bluejay, Sparkfoot and Mintbreeze shared the same father- maybe it was jealously. She quickly shrugged it off.

"Sparkfoot, come here please! Bluejay too." A soft meow came from the elders den. It was Stormfly.

"Play in the clearing till we get back." Sparkfoot meowed and he and Bluejay went to check on their mother.

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