Marrie me!!!

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*Grays pov*
I woke up in the middle of the night to the most beautifulest women ever the way her hair set there the way her eyes sparkled and skin so soft I just got to I got closer to her and kissed her she then kissed back and got on top of me and kissed me more. Then she pulled back and looked at me and when I looked at her I knew I love this women" marry me" "Wh-what?" "Marry me bc I love you and I won't a little baby girl she has to have beautiful skin like yours and eyes like yours and to be really smart and that smile I can't go one day with out your beautiful smile just promise me.......promise me you will say yes" "yes yes yes yes Juvia will gray-sama " she kissed me and hugged me then u hugged her tight and would not let go then she some how got out of my grip.

*juvia pov*
As I got of his grip I realize that I am getting married I got to tell lucy and the others."Juvia will brb"I said running to Lucy's I got ther I heared moaning and nasty sounds but I had to tell her "LUCY OPEN UP JUVIA HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU"I yelled. Lucy opened the door and was only wearing bra and panties. "What is it?" I looked at her and gave her a hug "Juvia?" "Yes,Lucy-sama" "what is it that you have to tell me" she said hugging me tighter "Juvia is getting married to gray-sama" she looked at me and smiled. Then I started to cry "what is wrong"she said looking at the tears in my eyes"juvia am so happy" "ever since we kissed I knew we both liked boys but a part of me loved you and all I want is for you to be happy" Lucy said tearing up and she brushed aside my tears "one last kiss?"I asked "yeah" I then pulled her in for one long kiss.

*gray pov*
She ran away WHAT THE HELL "JUVIA?" I yelled then I looked and she was gone I ran and heard crying I look in the room and saw Juvia and Lucy in bra and underwear hugging and kissed "Juvia?" "Gray-Sama?" "What the he'll happened" " well Juvia was happy so Juvia had to tell Lucy and the others" "oh okay I thought I was going to have to still you from Lucy" I said with a smirk. (Time skip)
After we told all of our friends we went back in to our room and went to sleep looking at each other talking about our future.

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