Chapter 3

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"What movie are we seeing, Alexia?" I ask. We are huge fans of horror movies so that's probably the choice.

"Light in the Field" she replies.

"Ooh I've been dying to see that! What time?"

"Midnight so we will have time to have the Bon fire. Can we play night games?" Yes we are 15, but we still love to scream around like idiots, nobody will hear us, because...well we are in the middle of nowhere practically.

"Yes!" I scream.

"We should probably get ready, Aubrey".

We get all dolled up, but I don't know why because it will be dark in most of our plans tonight.

The doorbell rings.

"He's here. You ready?" Alexia asks calmly.

"Yeah. Who's all meeting us there?" I ask.

"Tiffany, Jill and Randy, Drew, Alex-Drews friend, Mckalya, Taylor, Mckenzie, Mary and Trevor, Allie and Dylan, and Lauryn."

"Thirteen people are coming!?" I must have sound shocked and looked shocked, because I kind of tripped down the stairs going out to Josh's car.

"Ya, is that too much?"

"I thought it was going to be small. Are they all coming to the Bon fire?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah, don't worry they won't remember how to get to our houses" he said totally calm.

We get in the car, I sit in front with Alexia forced in the back seat...she chose the middle for some reason.

"Ready?" Josh asks in his very addictive voice.

"Yup, all ready" we both say at the same time.

"Great" he says with that attractive smile. My heart melts and I'm out of it for awhile.

As we drive down the road with his hand on my knee with the music humming. Alexia's in the back in her own little world singing the song with her crazy 'original' dance moves.

"Very sexy there Alexia, how are you still single?" I jokingly say with a smile.

"Right! I've got it all! Dance moves, singing voice, fun side and sweet side, and the hellish side you will never want to cross..."

"I am kinda scared to sit next to you now..." Josh says. We all laugh. "Respect" he adds in.

"So you know Alex?" I ask.

"Yeah me and Drew are good buddies with him." Drew was Josh's best friend.

"Here's his house right now" he says as he points to the hottie sitting on a car with his eyes glued to his phone."

"He looks older" I say observing him.

"He's 16, and single" he adds looking through the mirror at Alexia.

Alexia's eye are stuck on him. "Now that's what I'm talking about"

Me and Josh laugh as she scoots over Alex hops in.

"I'm Alexia!" She chirps in right away.

"Nice to meet you Alexia. I'm Alex." He says in a sweet voice.

"I know" Alexia says way too excitingly. "I mean... Nice to meet you too. Shaking his hand, her face is all red.

"What happened your 'original' dance moves?" I say.

"And singing?" Josh adds. We both look at each other and laugh.

Alexia comes closer. "Getting near the hellish side" she growls lowly.

Josh takes that as a hint and turns up the music. It was quite the whole way to the movies.

I try my to buy my own ticket, but Josh insists. We get our popcorn-yes OUR popcorn- and sodas and go find a seat. The theatre is empty except for our 'small' group.

"Let's get the dark seats in the back" Josh suggests.

''Okay" I begin "I have been waiting to see this movie for ages!" I whine.

"it came out last week...pace yourself.'' Josh says smiling.

I don't think the rest of the group saw us, because they all sat up front. As we watched the previews I texted Alexia "How's it goin... ;)"

"I think he is kinda into me..." she replies fast.

"Good luck girlie!" I had to have that one text before the movie starts.

Halfway through the movie Josh pulls the 'yawn with a stretch' move to put his arm around me. Instead of refusing I found myself snuggling in, listening to his heartbeat. Then I see something strange. Alexia leaves the group and about five minutes later I see Alex leave the group too. "Stay safe ;)" I quickly send her. No reply back this time...something was up.

I decide to stay put, it looked planned. I know almost all those tricks and that was almost by far the oldest. They are probably in the arcade having Alex win her a prize in the claw machine or making out.

"This movies pretty scary'' Josh starts ''I'll protect you" he says with that reassuring smile and the twinkle in his eyes. I laugh. He knows i'm not afraid of horror movies.

"You're such a wierdo" I joke.

"A loveable wierdo" he adds before kissing me.

"Hey!" Drew yells "keep it PG you guys!"

We pause and look up front. Almost everyone was watching. I couldn't help, but blush. Everyone was watching except Alexia, and Alex.

"Take a picture it'll last longer!" Josh shout back at Drew as a joke...wrong choice of words... Later on in the movie a 'SNAP!' followed by a flash of light went off.

"Got it!" Drew sounded proud.

"Damn you man!" Josh shouts back.

"Alexia and Alex left ten minutes ago and are still gone... Alex wouldn't do that would he?"

"Nah. Alex is pretty respectful of a person." he assures.

I must have fell asleep becuase I wake up to a "Wake up Sleeping Beauty" I thought it was Josh so I grabbed him tighter.

Then I heard a "Drew knock it off".

I am instantly awake. "Where is everyone?" I ask curiously.

"They went to find Alex and Alexia. The movie just ended. So how was the movie, was it worth the wait?" with that voice of his I can't help it, but i laugh. It was more high pitched like how girls talk to each other.

"Oh shut up and come here-wait! Drew? A little privacy?"

"Sorry i'll close my eyes and turn around" Me and Josh give him that look where you're really trying to be serious, but they don't understand. "Kidding! I'll be back in five minutes! he shouts back as he starts to walk away.

"He kind of just killed the mood didn't he?" I ask.

"Yup, well that's Drew for ya! Let's go find the others."

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