Chapter 16

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After Iiyo's reading with the blond foreigner, just like he had said, Tamaki had gone to every table as Iiyo had hoped. Umehito finally received a querent who was actually excited about the reading, but it was probably because Tamaki hadn't heard of the rumors about Nekozawa Umehito yet. Iiyo wasn't about to ruin Umehito's enjoyment though. In addition, that was a surprise for Iiyo, Tamaki was quite popular, so it meant that their class' section got more business quite suddenly, so, unfortunately, she was so busy with her readings that she couldn't observe Umehito's readings with the blond, or with anyone else brave, or oblivious, enough to try it.

Just as the crowd was finally dying down, it was Iiyo's and Umehito's turn for a shift break to explore the other class' stations, and they were lucky because they got the last shift, so didn't have to worry about divination for the rest of the night, but they did have to come back to help clean up.

Iiyo stuck to Umehito's side because even though it was a festival, people seemed to be still quite aware of the occult president's presence, and gave him plenty of room. She loved the dainty domino masks and looking at the other shops, but didn't buy anything. Her dad had gotten a raise along with his promotion, but due to the moving, they were still low on money, otherwise she would have bought a white masque decorated with black floral lace, outlined with silver gems, and adorned with black feathers on the upper corners.

The only other station that was customer-involved besides their class was the haunted hallway, which had been narrowed with prop walls from the theater club, painted with a setting inspired by horror movies galore, complete with a fog machine and spooky sound effects. Unfortunately, the theater club didn't seem to like them. They didn't like Iiyo because every time they had a member try and scare the pair, she sensed their presence and merely looked at them, waved and said greeted them, or said, "I see you." The only time she got relatively nervous was when one of the members ignored her greeting and came too close for her liking. Iiyo didn't once get startled though like the theater club wanted. Umehito didn't get scared easily either, and was more interested in criticizing the lack of research on the symbols used to make the setting creepy. He even told one of the theater club members that came out to scare them to tell their president that if they want accurate occult facts that they could come to the Black Magic Club any time. After they exited the haunted hallway, they both noticed glares sent their way and decided to see how their class was doing since it was almost time to clean up anyway.

Iiyo got to say her good nights to Sayoko and Wazuka along with Kageru. She could see he was nervous about the surgery, but could tell that he wanted to, and was finally ready for it. Then it was time to call it a night as Umehito escorted Iiyo to his family's car where Iiyo silently recognized the bald butler as he opened the door for them. She smiled at the giant and got in the car, moving down a couple seats over to give Umehito room.

"Wow that was more fun than I had expected. We should definitely do fortune-telling next year! Hopefully, we'll have more members by then. By the way, thank you, again, for giving me a ride home," Iiyo said. Her smile didn't leave her face—if anything, it got wider as she relished the new memories. Despite the painful start, it was the most satisfying night she could remember having.

"You're most welcome, Fukuda-san. It was, very much indeed, an exciting night," Umehito replied with an equally wide grin. "Are you sure you're well? You still look a little pale." Not that the make-up helped. If Iiyo wasn't pale, the orange dust and the black lips and eyeliner in comparison was certainly creating that illusion.

"For the umpteenth time, I'm fine. I had a little headache before, but it's gone now. The headache has been gone for hours now."

"I apologize." His smile shrunk, remembering. "When Minoshita picked up your phone, and seeing you unconscious on the floor . . . I got scared. I was frightened out of my wits, to be more precise."

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