Chapter 1

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Isabel's point of view


I looked outside to see the winter sun high in the sky, the frost on the window said that the night before had snowed. From the 20th floor you had a pretty nice sight of Chicago. I walked out of room and almost tripped on my brother's skateboard.

"Jason!!! How many times do I have to tell you!?! Stop leaving stuff in front of my door!" I yelled, of course knowing he wouldn't listen.... again.

"Sorry." Jason said, jumping onto his skateboard and heading into the kitchen.

"If you were sorry you would stop DOING IT!!!" I yelled in my head.

I walked after Jason into the kitchen, seeing mom making breakfast and dad reading the newspaper. I sat at the table and started to daydream. My daydreams were always filled with action and killing vampires, but it would never happen. That's the vampire hunter's job, but I could get tested. Wait... No if my parents found out they would kill me. I came back to reality when my mom put the pancakes on the table. I watched Jason take the four top ones.

"Dude stop taking all the pancakes!" I said, slapping Jason's hand from getting more.

"What? I need lots of energy for the test." He said, pushing my hand out of the way and getting another pancake.

"Oh yes, I forgot. With all that energy you're going to be a great hero!" I said sarcastically, covering me mouth with both hands pretending to be supportive.

"Come on, at least you can saw good luck to your brother." Dad said from behind his newspaper.

"Ya, your brother wants to protect the city. He wants to put his life on the line, at least be nice. You don't know what will happen, he might even get killed." My mom said putting a  plate of eggs in front of me.

"Mom I'm not going to get killed! Those vamps with be so scared of me they wish they were already dead." Jason said.

"Ya, you think that." I said, finishing my eggs.

"Your just jealous." Jason said, which was true.

"No thank you." I lied.

I put my plate and went to my room. I got dressed into my school uniform, stuffed my backpack with my school stuff. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed my lunch, said bye and left. I walked down the hall of the apartment and into the elevator. I pressed the button that had the number 1. I looked down at the uniform I had to wear. I was plan, a white long sleeve collar button down shirt, a white skirt at the knees, stockings, white boots. I took my phone and I saw my reflection. My eyes were a crazy blue, out of all the people I know no one had the same eyes as me. My black straight hair was pulled into a side ponytail.

I put my phone back into my bag when the elevator stopped at the 16th floor. A boy about my age walked in and leaned against the opposite wall of the elevator. He wore the uniform the boys wore at the school I go to. He had really fluffy brown hair, light skin, and green eyes. He looked into book he brought in with him. I looked up at the floor, seeing in the corner of my eye he was staring at me with curiosity.

The door opened to the first floor, I walked out and through the lobby. I walked outside to my car, got in and drove to the high school. The drive was long I got there just in time. As I locked my car and walked to the grounds of the high school the boy in the elevator was my only thought. I walked into the building, passing some junior boys. I unlocked my locker and put my stuff inside. I grabbed my science stuff and closed my locker, seeing Maxwell leaning against the locker next to mine. I wasn't surprised, he did this a lot.

"Not interested." I said before he could say anything and walked away. 

I walked to the science room, and noticed that the boy in the elevator was there, sitting in one of the desks. While everyone was talking he was reading his book. I walked past him, sitting 2 seats behind. I took out my notebook and started to draw. My notebook had drawings here and there, most of them in anime. Most of them was a battle of a vampire and I. I looked up to see Tyler taking the guy who I saw in the elevator's book. He looked up at Tyler, Tyler said something then pushed him out of his chair. He fell out of his chair, hitting the floor and sliding into the next desk. Tyler was so called "king" of this school. When he wanted something he would get it. I was fed up with his way of thinking. I slammed my notebook shut, and stormed to Tyler. 

"What is wrong with you?" I said looking at him with disgust.

"What? He was in my seat." He said looking like nothing was wrong.

"Just because your the "King" of this school you just can't do whatever you want to people!" I said almost yelling.

"You've got an attitude, I like that." He said.

"Were you even paying attention to what I said?" I asked annoyed.

"No but I think we would make a good pair." He said trying to hold my hand.

"YOU IDIOT!" I yelled, trying to slap him, but he grabbed my wrist.

Everyone turned to us, wanting to know what was going on.

"Let go!" I said trying to get out of his grip.

"I don't think so." He said.

I tried to slap him with my other hand but he grabbed it to, now sinking his nails in to my skin.

In seconds the boy that was on the ground grabbed the back of Tyler's collar and threw him across the room. I looked at my wrists to see the marks were deep and bleeding. Tyler got up and tried to punch the boy that he pushed around, but missed. The other guy had a perfect shot, he punched Tyler with full force, sending him flying. But Tyler wasn't ready to meet his match. He tried to side kick his opponent, but the other grabbed Tyler's foot and pushed it back. Tyler slide across a desk, falling with a loud thud. Tyler stayed on the ground in pain, he was finally defeated.

The boy grabbed his book and walked toward me.

"You okay?' He asked, sounding a little shy.

"Not really. That was plain out crazy what you just did." I replied, looking up into his greens eyes.

"Hey, I was defending myself else. And remember he attacked first." He pointed out.


"Come on, let's take you to the nurse." He said heading toward the door.

I followed him, we bumped into the science teacher and explained why we were going to the nurse. Mr. L understood and said he wasn't surprised that Tyler was the problem. As we walked through the halls we were mostly silent in till I had to ask, "Why did you defend me? We don't even know each other."

"Because he hurt you and second he has to know he can't get everything he wants." He replied, I nodded in agree.

"Wait I don't even know your name!" I said relieving my forgetfulness.

"It's Mark, Mark West." Mark replied.

"And your's?" He asked.

"I'm Isabel, Isabel Smith."

"Well it's nice to meet you." Mark said holding out his hand.

"You too." I said, taking his hand and shaking it.

I looked at him and noticed he had a scare on his face that was bleeding.

"Oh my god! Your bleeding!" I said in alarm.

"It's fine." Mark said calmly.

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