ch 7- dependency

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(Lord Sain is to the right. And when i was first making the Betelgeuse name, i had just realized it was pronounced beetle-juice rather than bet-tell-gee-us. I had just watched Beetlejuice (the movie) as well. But Betelgeuse is actually a star nebula, so I thought to name Nino and her father after such)



            Her father's mood had improved as a week slowly processed. In space, it was nearly impossible to tell the seconds from days. Even the clocks seemed to crawl with broken legs in pointless circles.

            Of course Lord Betelgeuse was still angry with her, he was infamous for grudges. But Nino was his favorite thing in the entire universe, and he found it impossible to be angry and look at the striking image of his late wife in his daughter's face. Nino even began to laugh again, and the entire ship seemed to brighten.

            He was startled at her question over breakfast that morning.

            "Father? May I ask you a question?"

            "Of course." Lord Sain said. He still couldn't resist her voice, Esmé’s voice.

            "It's about Jachur." Before Nino had completely finished the sentence, Lord Sain's eyes tightened. "I want to return. My week is up, and I miss it terribly."

            "No, Nino. You're lucky I didn't take Lillian and Tiko away." Lord Sain could punish her, every father could find some strength to do that, but to take her closest friends away? Never.

            If only Sain knew.

            "Please Father. What more am I to do? I give in." Nino was taking Sonia's advice. There were two ways Nino was to try this; pleading or sulking. So far Nino had only tried pleading.

            "You give in? What are you talking about? You're a rebel. Those things don't just. . . 'give in'." Lord Sain was surprised.

            "Father, I'm bored. I'm miserable. And I love the people. If you want me to be happy, I've found my happiness. But how am I supposed to do that when you forbid me from Jachur? I've finally gotten to like this, and you've taken it away." Nino explained.

            "Yes, you've gotten me. I understand what you're trying to do. But you don't need to. I've reconsidered it anyways. I can't keep anything from you Nino, you'll always find a way around. But you're under strict guarding now, I hope you understand that."

            "Yes, yes I do!" Nino began to get excited.

            "Don't get excited." Lord Sain stomped her excitement down immediately. "But I don't want to fight. I never could stand to see your mother angry. . . And you're her mirror, must I say more?" Lord Sain sighed. "I'm leaving in a week, and you've one more chance."

            A week? Too long. Time is running dangerously short now! Nino thought. She nodded.

            "Thank you Father! Please forgive me."

            "It is done."

            Nino skipped to her room.

            Lillian had already forgiven Nino. They were too close of friends to stay too mad at each other- in Lillian's case anyways.

            Tiko was playing with Gypsy as usual, while Lillian had her head buried in Mr.Spaceman. Nino sat down on her bed next to Tea. Gypsy rubbed against her head, and Nino reached backwards to pet her. Tiko held a string with a tiny stuffed mouse on the end in front of Gypsy's nose. Gypsy immediately pounced after it. Tiko laughed.

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