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                     I looked up from the dishes, and stared into the dark, endless forest. A life of isolation and separation had appealed to our parents. I smiled, thinking about how long it would take to travel or get to ANY civilization. Why would we ever need to? We had food, a cabin, and each other. We also had a radio and an old code machine that didn't work. I checked the clock. Four fifty-six, our ideal recreation time. "Alison!" Terri cried suddenly from her room.
"What?" Ali replied irritably. I smiled once more. Those two were always bickering.
"Ali!" Terri shouted this time.
"Get in here now!" Now she sounded inflamed. I had better go in there,I thought. Those two could kill each other! I watched as Alison walked into Terri's room.
"What Ter-". She stopped short and gasped. I ran into Tee-wee's room.
I gasped. "What happened?" I asked, hand over my mouth. Her clothes were strewn about, covers torn, and floor wet with a liquid I'd rather not ask about. "Ask Ali." Was her grumbled reply. Alison blushed furiously. "I didn't think he would do all this." Was her answer.
"Who?" I was curious  now. Terri gave Ali a menacing stare. Alison sighed.
"Cheeks the chipmunk."
Of course! Ali was always taking in "poor little animals". This must have been her latest attempt at a pet. At least I hoped it was her latest attempt. Terri sat down at her desk. It used to belong to mom. Elbows rested on it she sighed.
" he?" I asked uncertainly. There came a muffled "closet". I walked over to Terri's pile of things by her closet door. Carefully, I peeked inside , and saw two little shining eyes staring back at me.
After Alison had put the little stow away back outside, things had calmed down again. I just knew Ali was going to have a fit, this being the third animal this month that had been cast aside. Tomorrow, the radio would be turned on, and the 202.5 Delphina news would be broadcasted. It was like that every Friday. Staying up until eight thirty, I climbed into bed.
           The next morning,I didn't hear the girls fighting again until eight was a lovely wakeup call. I sighed. My sisterly duties were never done.

HAILLOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora