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I didn't eat much during lunch time and right now I am in mine and Matt's room, looking at the ceiling, while chatting with Renee.

"Why doesn't anyone like us, Renee?" I asked.
"I don't know but those people are fucked up. Who gives a damn if I'm inside your head. Yea I'm the dark side of you and I sometimes take over to beat the shit out of people, but who cares. Let them bitches be afraid of us"  she replied as she stood up and say on the floor with her legs crossed.

"But Renee, can't you see, we're not normal. People look at us like we're the Devils wife. Like if they say one word, they'll think we'll snap. We're insane" I said with a sad look.

"No, don't you put that shit on me. Ain't nobody insane except that thot named Madison" she growled her name. I then broke out laughing.
I was cut off when the door opened and in came Matt.

"What happened? Why were you laughing?" He asked.
"Da hell? I thought the door was sound proof" I said.
"Well I heard you when I opened the door so" he said.

That made sense...

"Oh I was laughing with Renee" I said as I looked at Renee with a smile.
"Oh alright" he said with an awkward tone.
"Anyways, I'm sorry I didn't sit with you today. Madison was clinging on to me and I couldn't pry her off of me" he said as he looked at me.

"Oh no it's fine, I'm used to people leaving me behind or ditching me" I said as I looked at my nails.
"Scar, that's not what I mean" he said.
"Sure you do, I mean, you don't love me, no one does" I said as I turned the other side and faced the wall.

I felt a hand grab my upper arm and pulled me up on my feet.
"What the fuck?!" I boomed when I was breast to chest with Matt.
"You think I don't love you? I just proved my love for you days ago and you think I don't love you?" He growled in my ear.

"Bullshit! We both know you don't love me. You rather go to Madison and have a good time with her then act all fake around me" I sneered.
I then turned to exit the room and go to the hang out area when I felt him grab my arm again and slammed me against the wall.

"I fucking proved my love to you by making love with you and you think that meant nothing? Oh wait let me guess, you're here because you're also insane for sex huh? You just get in people's pants and leave them behind and use a fucking excuse that no one loves you? You slut!" He spat at me as he gripped my wrists.
"I'm not a slut" I squeaked since his eyes went dark.
"Bullshit!" He boomed which startled me.

Oh hell to the fucking no.He did not just scream at me.

My eyes went black and my knee came in contact with his ding a ling. he fell on his knees and I quickly grabbed his ear, made him stand up, and threw him on his bed.

"Don't you ever, ever, yell at me and refer to me as a 'slut' because I swear if you ever called me that again, I would've killed you already" I said with a calm voice as I straddled him and gripped his wrists.

"You've never yelled at a girl before huh? Such a shame that this could've been the last time you ever did" I said as my nails dug into his wrist which caused him to wince.

"Aw am I hurting wittle matty? That's too bad" I said in a baby voice.
"Now do you know what happens when people think they can take control over me and think that I won't be afraid? I change their minds" I growled the last part as I placed his hand under my knee and lifted his shirt.

I brought out my index finger and pressed my nail below his rib cage which caused him to whimper.
"You think this is all a game huh?" I said as I brought my hand and placed it on his collar bone.

"Such a shame that you thought I was weak" I said as I dug my nails on his collar bone and he winced.
I then went back to his stomach and I brought out my nail and began to mark him.

I put in my signature, T.D, the demon.

During the process, his eyes got watery and he would hiss in pain.
This is what people get when they think they can just throw me around like a doll. But what they don't know is that the doll has her own mind.

I got up and he was lying there, biting his lip.
I gave a smirk of satisfaction but that was soon replaced with a worried look.

My eyes went back to dark brown and I looked at him with sad eyes. I looked at my hands and one of my nails have blood on it. I quickly went to Matt's side, kneeled down and began to apologize.
"Matt, I'm so sorry this happened" I sobbed.

I know what you're thinking.
'Da fuck? This insane girl is bipolar, she has some issues, she needs to calm the fuck down'. But hey, it's not my fault I was born with a demon. Okay maybe it is...

"Matt I'm so sorry, please forgive me. God I'm really stupid. You can hate me but please forgive me" I sobbed.

Seeing him in pain, because of me, made me get mad at myself. I then saw him clutching his stomach so I slowly removed it and I placed my hand over my mouth in shock.

Marks were on his stomach and you could see the blood peek up. And there were initials on there.

T.D...fuck you Renee.

"Matt I'm really sorry" I whispered.
"It's okay scar, it's not your fault. I called you a horrible name and yelled at you and sent you over the edge. I'm sorry, and I forgive you" he said in pain.
"I'm so sorry" I said as I looked down and sniffed.
He placed his fingertips under my chin and made me look up.

"Hey it's okay" he cooed and I tried to calm my tears.
"I just can't accept the fact that I hurt you with my own hands" I whispered.
"It's okay" he said with a soothing voice.

I'm so sorry, Matt....

I love you...

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