Chapter 14 (Day 9)

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Logan's POV

I was at Maria's house helping her rehearse her lines.

"Brad I'm so sorry, but Nathan's my true love. Can we still be friends?" She asked.

"Of coarse." I said kissing her cheek.

"Wow, we're good." She said after rehearsing. We ran through the movie parts we could do together. She sat on her couch and I did too. We put on the TV and I put my arm around her. To any person this would make us seem like we were an item, but we were only friends, really close friends. I kissed her cheek and she laughed at me pushing away my face. I laughed and we were in a laugh fest.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Pizza?" I asked. She nodded her head. I called the pizza place and we waited. After about 5 minuets or less the pizza arrived. We sat and ate our pizza. It was the last slice.

"Fight ya for it." She says.

"You're on!" I reply she tackles me to the ground but I pin her over.

"Pined ya." I whispered breathless. She just chuckled softly. I got up off of her and ate my pizza. We went over to my place where we were going to the beach. She had her stuff in her backpack and the guys were ready. Kendall was sitting on the couch.

"You're not going?" Maria asked.

"No." He replied shortly. Erin came in.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" She asked me.

"The beach." I said.

"You didn't invite me. I'm coming." She left to get ready.

"Where's Jo?" Carlos asked.

"She was pissing me off so I took a break from her." He said.

"Sorry bro." I said.

"Yeah real tragic." Maria said. Erin came back and we left.

Maria's POV

When we got to the beach Alexa and Halston were there. We all got in the water and splashed each other after a while I felt someone behind me.

"Hey." Kendall said.

"Hi." I replied softly.

"I like your bikini."

"I like your hair."

"Wanna go on shore?"

"Sure." We got out of the water and sat on the sand. Everyone else was doing couple things.

"I-I didn't mean it." I said suddenly.

"Mean what?" He asked.

"I was never using you, you were generally my friend."

"Oh, you still remember that."

"How can I forget. It's the day I lost my best friend." He turned and looked into my eyes.

"It was hell for me." He whispered.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I still have one question. Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you say those things?"

"Because I-" My phone started to ring.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey Maria, how are you?" He asked.


"I just wanted to call and say I love you." I looked over at Kendall who was looking at the water.

"I love you too." I said still looking at Kendall.

Kendall's POV

Maria was on the phone with someone when I heard her tell the other person 'I love you'. I sighed and stood up. I started walking away and Maria started running to catch up with me. While running she tripped and fell on top of me and we rolled in the sand. When we stopped rolling she was on top of me; her face inches away from mine. She got up and helped me up.

"I'm so sorry." She said.

"It's fine." I said smiling.

"So, we're cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool." She smiled a dazzling smile and tackled me in a hug. I was taken back at her actions but soon hugged back. We all left the beach at 5. We walked back to the apartment where we decided to hang out. We played some video games and ate some snacks. At 7 we were watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Maria fell asleep in my arms. After the movie was done. I picked up Maria and took her to my bed. I then took off my shirt and got into bed. She wrapped her hands around my waist and came close to me. I was stroking her hair that was a little wet. She moved up a little and her lips were barely touching mine. All I had to do was move the slightest inch and feel her soft lips against mine. I moved back. It wouldn't be fair for me to take advantage of her. Plus she has a boyfriend, I'm not that kind of guy. I kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek.

"I love you." She whispered. Probably dreaming about Eugene, I thought bitterly. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Why haven't you called!?" I heard someone scream. I looked over at the clock. 10:22. I sighed and said

"Jo, it's 10:22. GO HOME!"

"We never broke up!" She screamed.

"You're right Jo, I'm sorry. This is way over due. I'm breaking up with you!"

"Who is she?!"

"Who is who?!"

"The other girl. There has to be one for you to break up with me."

"You're not exactly 'hot stuff' you know."

"WHO. IS. SHE?!"


"Hey could you keep it down, people are trying to sleep." Said a voice suddenly. I looked over and it was Maria.

"It's her!?!?!?" Jo asked.

"She's just a friend." I said looking over at her.

"Than why is this 'friend' wearing a bikini and you're shirt less?"

"Because we went to the beach and I sleep shirtless."

"Listen hoe, he left yo ass because he can't stand you. Now, be a good hoe and leave." Maria said. I smiled at her and Jo was appalled.

"Shut up!" She screamed and lunged for Maria. While I was trying to push her out if the way she lunged right at Jo, tackling her to the floor. They were rolling around when you heard Maria cry out in pain. Her arm was bent backwards and then she smashed Jo's face on the ground with her good hand. Jo left and Maria got up. Tears were running down her face.

"Come on, your arm is broken." I said to her. I took her to the hospital. She had to have an operation. By the time she was done it was nearing 12. She was asleep in her hospital room and I was sitting right next to her.

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