chapter 3 - Vanishes, revelaed

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When the train finally pulled into the station beside the Black Lake Harry hurriedly pushed past the flow of the students. Squeezing past a gaggle of slow moving fourth year girls, Harry finally burst out of the door of the train. The fresh air was a huge relief to him as he breathed deeply in through his nose. His head felt less cluttered and he had only one objective in his mind: Talk to Ginny.

Hermione and Ron had fought their way through the train trying desperately to keep up with their friend and at the same time, wondering why he had just taken off with no word of where he was going.

Eventually they saw him ahead of them, walking at an unusually brisk pace. He looked as if he was going on a mission. Ron raised his eyebrows at Hermione and Hermione shrugged in response. Then without even a word to each other they broke into a jog. Hermione caught onto one of Harry's arms while Ron grasped the other tightly. Harry shot them both dirty looks.

"What are you doing? Gerrof me," He mumbled, first trying to tug his arm from Hermione and then doing the same with the arm gripped firmly by Ron but the two kept their grips and Harry resigned from the action.

"What's wrong, Harry? You just sprinted off without a word," Hermione asked, worried for her friend.

"I've just... There's something I've got to do," He shrugged and burst into another spurt of speed walking. The carriages were only a few feet away now.

"What? What's so urgent that you needed to get the first carriage to the castle?" Ron snapped, getting annoyed now at Harry's secrecy.

"It's not important," Harry replied, trying to keep calm.

"Obviously it is!" Ron said sharply as they reached the first thestral drawn carriage.

The large, winged creatures were oddly beautiful, many considered them ugly but Harry had found beauty in their scaly body, bat like wings and horse like stature. Thestrals were only visible to people who had witnessed great tragedy in their lives. At first Harry had been the only one of his friends who was able to see the creatures (besides Luna) but when the Battle of Hogwarts had taken place, Ron and Hermione and many more people were able to see them.

Hermione cautiously avoided eye contact with the thestrals as she climbed into the carriage, finally releasing her grip on Harry.

Harry turned to Ron and said, "You can let go now, Ron, I think I can get in by myself, thanks."

Harry didn't want to fight with Ron, he hated it, but Ron was getting increasingly more agitating as the day had worn on. The next morning, Harry supposed he would feel less annoyed at the boy but for now he remained irritated.

Ron let go roughly and Harry followed Hermione in, sitting across from her while Ron took the seat next to her.

The journey to Hogwarts was stiffly silent. Harry was not unaware of the conversation Hermione and Ron were having with meaningful stares at one another and what they hoped to be stealthy side glances at Harry. Harry was now sitting with his arms crossed tightly and staring intently out of the windows at the dark grounds. He could make out Hagrid's hut and the shadowy figures of the trees of the forbidden forest and beyond that, the silhouette of the Whomping Willow.

Before long he saw the gigantic castle looming ahead of him, yellow squares of light glittering in the darkness . The carriage drew up in front of the castle and Ron and Hermione exited first. Harry waited a few seconds then climbed out after them. They had walked on a little without him. Harry sighed with relief and uncrossed his arms. He took the stone steps two at a time and the moment he walked into the entrance hall he immediately felt much happier. He was finally home. He hadn't known how much he had missed the castle before he had entered but now he was struggling not to yell to the world about how happy he was.

Harry stood by the door, waiting for Ginny's familiar figure to pass through the doors. She didn't appear for a while and Harry was beginning to think she had not even got onto the train, when she passed him.

"Ginny!" He called out and quickly she whirled around, her red hair catching the light. She really was beautiful.

She looked over. At first puzzlement crossed her eyes as if she was wondering what he was doing there but in a split second it was gone and she smiled at him.

"Hey, Harry!" she smiled at him, said something to the friend she was with and then made her way over to Harry.

"Listen, can we talk?" He said nervously, his palms covered in a thin layer of sweat now.

"Eh, yeah, sure," she smiled nervously.

Harry led her over to a secluded part beyond the Great Hall. He had no idea what he should say. The only other girl he had ever been with was the tearful Cho Chang and it had only been one date and a single kiss. Ginny was different. She was important.

"Ginny, I-" but before he could say anything, Ginny had jumped in.

"Harry, look, I'm sorry I wasn't there on the train. I didn't even say bye to mum and I have a reason, I really do. I didn't want anyone to know, you know how Mum is. She'd make a big deal out of-" Harry cut her off.

"Ginny, what is going on?" Harry looked her dead in the eye.

"I-I'm head girl," she sputtered, her brown eyes darting all over his face.

"Ginny, that's great! I'm really pleased for you!" he smiled at her enthusiastically.

Was this why she was acting so strange? Because she was so worried her mum would go over the top. It seemed strange to Harry. He was relieved, none the less though.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" she asked him.

Harry looked into her eyes, he could see the reflection of the floating candles in her eyes and he decided. He couldn't start that conversation, right after she had confided in him something she hadn't even told her mother about.

"I-uh- was just wondering where you were on the train," he said, faking a smile.

She smiled, "So we're okay, yeah?"

Harry nodded and Ginny caught hold of his hand.

"Let's go eat then," she said and led Harry into the Grand Hall.

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