Before the Dawn

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Warnings: Shonen-ai which means boyxboy love, don't like, don't read simple as that. I will just ignore flames.

Author Note: As the title implies, this is a song fic inspired by the amazing song Before the Dawn by Evanescence. This is my first ever Monarchshipping fic so please be kind when reviewing. One-shot only, though I may make a sequel. 

 Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah, I don't own em'. Now on with the story.

Meet me after dark again

And I'll hold you

I want nothing more

Than to see you there

Ten years ago, the young prince Atem had snuck from the palace and into the city outside of the walls surrounding said palace, but hey he had been a young boy, tired of the same old walls around him, tired of not having his eyes met by the servant boys and girls around the palace no matter how often he had assured them it was alright to do so. Those same children barely said a word to him, only speaking up when he asked a question and running from whatever room they had happened to occupy with his prescence after quickly bowing, something else he had insisted wasn't necessary. With all this on his mind he had done what any boy his age would do, went to the city in disguise where he met a boy by the name of Yami who could have passed for his twin save for the fact Yami was fair skinned, while Atem was tanned. Yami and Atem had become fast friends, and even after the prince was caught and Yami knew of who Atem really was, nothing changed really except the fact that they got closer, something the prince, now Pharaoh would never forget. In truth, that was one of many reasons why he had fallen in love with Yami, he'd been thrilled to find his only childhood friend felt the same.

He smiled as he continued walking, his dark cloak blowing slightly with the wind that managed to get through, before again looking over his shoulder as he had for what felt like fifty times before pressing his back to the wall separating the city from the palace, allowing the shadows of the falling evening to hide him from the eyes of the guards. Once he was certain he wouldn't be spotted, he jumped, grasping the low branch of a tree and hoisting himself up, waiting there in the cover of the foliage to again look around and make sure the movement hadn't caught the attention of the guards. Once he was satisfied that he hadn't caught any unwanted attention, he moved to a higher branch, continuing the climb up until he was sure he was level with the top of the wall. After several exhilirating moments of alternating between ducking on top of the wall and trying to keep his balance as he walked the railing, he finally made it to the one stall that the owner had dared put so close to the wall. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, before jumping off the ten foot wall and landing on the canopy above the stall. After taking a minute to calm his racing heart, he crawled to the edge, letting his legs swing down before pushing himself off and onto the ground.

"Still as daring as ever Atem."

The Pharaoh didn't have to look to know who had spoken. The voice so like his own, with only the slightest difference in depth which one would never catch if they weren't listening for it. The voice held amusement and warmth and as Atem rose, from where he had been forced into a crouch upon impact with the ground, he allowed his scarlet eyes to meet with the familiar crimson gaze of Yami. He chuckled as he rose to his full height and dusted himself off, not yet removing the hood on his cloak.

"I can't very well ask the guards to open the gates without an escort now can I?"

 And maybe tonight

We'll fly so far away

We'll be lost before the dawn

Yami chuckled in reply before pulling Atem into a tight and loving hug which Atem reciprocated with a smile which grew when feeling Yami nuzzle against the side of his neck.

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