2. Beneath The Surface

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To say the meal was a disaster would be the biggest understatement of the last decade. I spilt pasta sauce on my shirt and muttered "Shit". She coughed and looked away, but her eyes seemed to be laughing. I was so mesmerised by how goddamn sexy she is that I could barely make conversation. Peter didn't come off his phone for literally the entire time and she just sat there gracefully eating her pasta and calmly making comments about Peter's table manners. Or rather, lack thereof.

We're now sitting in the back of a shiny black Mercedes in silence, being driven to her house. Suddenly she fumbles in her handbag and brings out a set of keys. She holds them delicately in front of my face. Her elegantly long nails are painted a dark red colour.

"Front door key, back door key, the key to your balcony, and car key," She explains, pointing to each one in turn. I nod and thank her, slipping the keys into my pocket. She's still looking at me. "Do not lose them."

"Of course not, never." I reply, forgetting to address her with 'Miss'. The car comes to a halt outside of a sleek, modern mansion and the driver gets out and opens the door for her. I get out the other side and grab my suitcases from the boot of the car. Nodding at the driver in thanks, I follow Kyla up the path to her front door and inside. She locks the door and puts the keys on a side table and gestures for me to do the same, then shrugs off her jacket and hangs it on a hook. Her dress is backless and I have a sudden urge to run my fingers across her smooth skin. Of course, I don't. I'm not going to lose this job before I've even started it. She turns to me.

"Be up at nine o' clock sharp every morning, no earlier, no later. You have Sunday mornings off, until two o' clock in the afternoon. Any other time off needs to be requested and scheduled three weeks in advance in order to make arrangements with other security. You will be working and lodging alongside other staff members on the second floor."

"Yes, Miss Kyla." I reply. She turns away again and begins walking gracefully upstairs, beckoning me to follow her. I pick my suitcases up again and begin climbing the flight of stairs.

"Your room is there, your bathroom is there and the other bathroom is across the hall should you need it. Feel free to look around the house for a bit to find everything else, but my room which is directly above yours is out of bounds, obviously. Although I suggest you freshen up before you go exploring, and remember it is your job to ensure the security systems are in place before you go to bed." Kyla says, distracted by the pasta stain on my shirt. I nod and smile.

"Thank you, Miss." I say gratefully. She nods and climbs the next flight of stairs. I go into my room and set my suitcases down on the floor, leaping onto the kingsize bed and smiling to myself. She has left towels at the end of my bed, so I take one and make my way to the bathroom.


I don't know how I'm going to manage living with someone I'm stupidly attracted to and not be able to date them. He seems so genuine and sweet, and I can already tell I'm going to have increasing difficulty maintaining my persona around him. I just want to show him I'm a normal person, but I can't do that. It could ruin my career; he could ruin my career, everything I've worked for. I can't allow myself to trust him fully.

I kick off my heels and slide out of my dress and toss it into my laundry hamper for the cleaning staff to collect. Throwing a cream lacy silk nightgown on over my underwear, I sit down in front of my mirror. I hear the water pipes rattling beneath my hardwood floor, indicating the downstairs shower is on. He's in the shower. Naked. Literally downstairs. I attempt, unsuccessfully, to not imagine him naked. I shake the thought away and undo my brown hair, letting it fall down past my shoulders in a cascade of waves. I begin my tedious cleansing routine, staring again at my reflection. The freckles resurface but the awkward and lost look I once had has disappeared. I moisturise my face and apply some lip balm.

The shower stops and for some reason I get up and open my bedroom door, tiptoe to the balcony and look down at the floor below. He has a towel wrapped around his waist and is carrying his clothes in one hand. His hair is damp and his tanned muscular arms and chest are completely bare. My lips twitch as my eyes fall on his. He has the nicest lips I've ever seen on a guy. My body aches to run down the stairs and push him against the wall, to kiss him like I've never kissed anyone in my life.

Lost in my daydreaming it take me a moment to realise he's looking back up at me. He smiles slightly and stares at me quizzically.

"Everything okay Miss?" He asks. I'm beginning to hate the 'Miss'. It makes me feel like a primary school teacher.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I just wanted to tell you that the pipes are quite noisy sometimes so just ignore any grinding or watery noises." I say, thinking afterwards about the millions of ways I could've phrased that better. I can feel my cheeks burning. He nods, raising his eyebrows slightly. I nod back and then turn away and shut my door behind me, breathing out heavily.

The sky is dark and scattered with stars, so I leave my curtains open and slip into bed. I sit cross-legged on my bed for a few moments, staring at my bedroom door. He turns me on so much. I lift the nightgown over my head and throw it on the floor. My hands slide across my body, and I undo my bra and slip out of my dampened panties and toss them onto the floor as well. I squeeze my breasts gently, playing with my hard nipples. I reach under my bed for the box I keep my toys in, and select a smooth silicone vibrator. I skim it across my body, across my nipples, across my stomach and down between my legs.

Little gasps escape my lips as the vibrator finds my clitoris, and my fingers stroke my labia while the vibrations ripple through my body, making me dizzy with pleasure. I slide my finger inside my vagina, gasping at how good it feels. I don't think I have ever been so horny. Slipping a second finger inside me, I push them in and out, still rolling the vibrator around my clitoris. Suddenly everything slows and I orgasm, my body shivering in pleasure and excitement. My fingers are covered in my juices. I turn the vibrator off and open my eyes, breathing heavily. I wipe my hands on a towel on my bedside table, and slowly make my way into my bathroom.

I turn the shower on and step in underneath the steamy hot water, my fingers once again finding my clit as the falling droplets glide over my skin. A loud moan escapes my lips and my mind goes blank as I shudder into another orgasm. I may be here for a while.

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