s e v e n - the sleeping boy

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"Sexy isn't a shape, it's an attitude."

I returned to school a week later, after all the painful blisters had faded from my skin and three bottles of Calamine lotion was used up. I didn't dread going to school that morning, I was oddly looking forward to my day. A flurry of nerves awakened as I walked into the building and the first thing I set my eyes on was Kara. And Jase. But Kara.

She watched me with every step I took towards my locker. I tried to shrug her off as I opened my locker to get my first few periods' books, but I found myself peering over my shoulder every few seconds. Her glare never faltered away from me. What did I do now?
"Good morning, stranger." I noted that Jase had walked over to me, looking good as usual, wearing his teams jersey with jeans and sneakers. "Oh, hi."

"You don't seem thrilled to see me." He observed. I shut my locker, staring Kara one more glance before giving him all my attention. "It's not that."
"You sure?"

I nodded in return. I started walking towards my home room, until Jase pulled me back by my arm. "What's up?" I asked him, people started staring. Jase Ryder, talking to Nora what's her name again?

"We need to talk... I may have- yeah we need to talk. Meet me somewhere at lunch?"

"Why? Can't you just tell me now instead? I have somewhere to be at lunch time." He gave be an exasperated look, not believing my phony story. I rolled my eyes and he narrowed his. "I'll find you." He told me. Told. Not asked. "I'll see." I replied, leaving hastily before he could stop me again.

True to his word though, he found me, after chemistry labs, which was just before lunch break, he stood in the hallway outside the classroom waiting for me. I tried to make as if I didn't spot him though, heading towards the library. I prayed he didn't detect me either as I worked my way in between pupils, who were just anxious to get to the cafeteria.

My plan was unsuccessful. Remorsefully so. I sighed when he caught up to me. "You trying to bolt?" He guessed my exact idea.


"why is it that you're avoiding me?" He had a good point. I liked being in Jason's presence, but it didn't mean I liked his friends. Maybe it was the fact seeing them together that made me realize who he actually was. He was a popular, rich kid. Not just my friend. "I'm not... you wanted to talk?" I averted the subject off of me.

"Yeah..." Jason scratched the back off his head and gave me a guilty smile. "What did you do?" I asked, already dreading his reply. "You know that competition? The talent one?"

"What about it?" I narrowed my eyes, taking in a nervous looking Jason. "I signed you up." He said in one breath, and my heart flatlined in one breath too. "Okay, haha, it's not even April, also, this is probably the dumbest practical joke ever." I added. Jason grunted, "I'm not kidding here Nora. I thought it was a good idea. And then I realized you'd be pissed and therefore was a bad idea, but... I'd look suspicious scratching your name off the list."

"You couldn't have thought a little ahead? Where's the list? Let's go scratch my name off, quickly." I pushed him, urging him him to take me to the sign up sheet.
"Yeah..." he chuckled, "auditions are being held in the theater right now though. So, I thought what a great idea! I can watch you and support you."

"You really should do a little less thinking, Jason. That's why Kara has been death glaring me all day. Besides, I have nothing prepared, and no confidence to do this. Go back to your dumb friends." I turned my back on him, I needed to find this sign up sheet, now, before they really did announce my name for the auditions.

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