Chapter 1

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"Jack.. Jack wake up. Jack!" I said, shaking him awake. "Huh?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "I need to start driving, oh, and give me your phone really quick." I asked. He gave me a confused look, handing over the phone. "Thank you" I said sweetly, unlocking his phone with ease and going to iMessage. First, I texted Rian.

'Hey Rian, it's Alex. Sorry I'm messaging you from Jack's phone, I never got your number.. Anyway, just letting you know we're safe, in case you've heard rumors of us going missing. Call if you want the whole story, ttyl.' I typed, pressing send and giving Jack his phone back.

He giggled, "TTYL? Alex you're such a girl."

"Yes, I am. And proud of it." I said, grinning.

He smiled and got up off my lap, getting buckled In his seat. I began driving toward the nearest gas station, seeing as we're running low on fuel. I pulled up to one and got out, filling up the car after paying. I got back in, seeing Jack on a call. He smiled at me, "Hold on Rian I'm putting you on speaker" he said, pulling the phone away from his ear and pressing the speakerphone button.

"Rian!!" I said excitedly. "Alex!! Hey, dude, long time no talk!" He replied.

"Yeah, too long! Anyway, did Jack tell you what's going on?" I said, pulling out of the gas station.

"A bit, only that you guys ran away from home because....." He trailed off, obviously not knowing what our reason was.

I cleared my throat, "Well... Our parents caught us kissing. They then began to try and lecture us on how being gay is wrong and that this is incest, so of course I had a fit and they locked me in a room. I got out, ran to a random fucking field, they tried taking me back, but I stole the car, and now we're just driving."

"Ah. Alright. Where are you now?" He asked.

"Uhm.... Towson. According to the road signs." I shrugged.

"Okay, wanna meet up at a starbucks or something?" He suggested.

"Sure!!" I replied. Jack began messing with the radio, putting it on random stations.

"See you then!" He said and the line went dead.

"Maybe this won't be so bad." I said.

"Yeah, I mean, we're together! We can do this." He replied, smiling.

I smiled also, "Together."

"Mhm." He kissed my cheek.

He put his hand on my thigh, moving it up and down comfortingly.

I sighed happily and pulled up at the Starbucks. "Let's go!" I said, grinning. I unlocked the doors and practically jumped out the door. Jack laughed as I locked the door once again, walking around to the front of the car and taking his hand in mine.

We ordered some basic Iced Coffee and took a booth near the window. We talked about music, starting a band, and things like that. It was fun to dream, but I don't think I could see it happening.

"Jack Jack Jack he's coming I see him!!" I said, practically bouncing in my seat.

He laughed, I just grinned. Rian walked inside and I waved my hand at him and he noticed, smiling, he walked over. "Hey, guys!" He greeted, I got up and hugged him, Jack soon joining me.

"So! Let's catch up on things." Rian said once we pulled away from the hug, I nodded, pulling Jack into the seat so he was beside me, Rian sitting across from us.

"So, let me get this straight, you two ran away from home because your parents were being homophobic assholes?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Something to that effect."

He nodded, "What are you gonna do now? I mean, you're still minors, so you can't exactly get an apartment."

I looked to Jack, then looked back at Rian, "I was honestly thinking we could keep driving for a while, maybe stop near the edge of the state, find some jobs and save up money. Like, we'll have to live in the car for a few years I'm sure but... It's all we can do right now."

"You talk about living in a car as if it's a bad thing, I mean come on, that's pretty cool!" Rian said, grinning.

"Yeah.... It's cool when it's not a big problem. I mean, I'm sure at this point our parents have put up some big case trying to find us and the car. I wouldn't be surprised-" I said, only to be cut off by the TV blaring the news.

"In other news, two boys from central Baltimore have gone missing. Parents putting up a reward of five thousand dollars to those who find them. The license plate on the getaway car is--"

I couldn't have been more right about that. That's fucking terrifying.

Rian looked at both of us, "We need to get you two out of here. Now."

We nodded, getting out of the booth and leaving as quick as possible without making it look suspicious. 

Me and Jack grabbed our stuff from the car and got in the back of Rian's. "Thank you so much, dude. If not for you we'd probably be dead meat." Jack said, laughing a bit awkwardly.

"Yeah, yeah, now keep your heads down. We'll get caught easier if you don't." Rian replied, pulling out of the Starbucks.

"Where are we going...?" I asked.

"I think I have an idea." He replied.

Jack reached over and held my hand, lacing our fingers together. I smiled, kissing him on the cheek quickly.

I heard Rian make a gagging noise, causing me to laugh. "Aw cmon it was just a kiss!!"

"Kisses are just step one in the fucking process." He said.

"Calm down, we're not gonna have sex in your car. Because we already did in ours." I replied, trying to hold in my laughter.

"You WHAT??" Rian asked, I burst out into laughter, "No no no we didn't!! I'm still a virgin, dude. I'll probably be a virgin for the next five years."

"Why five years?" Jack asked. "I mean, you're younger than me, and if we did it when I'm 18 you'd probably be 17, which is illegal, and only adding to the list of bad things we've done together." I shrugged.

"True." Jack nodded. "But..." He started.

"Jack." I cut him off. "I don't think we'll have time to just do that in our current situation." I said, looking down at my lap. "I-I'm not really ready for that, anyway.." I mumbled.

He kissed my hand, "It's okay. We won't do anything if you don't want to." I smiled. "Thank you." I let out a sigh of relief.

We sat in silence after that, sitting a bit awkwardly in our seats and just listening to everything outside.

"How about we listen to some music!" Rian said, turning the radio on.

"The search for the two Baltimore boys has gone state wide, reports of the two, Alex Gaskarth and his step brother, Jack, were made at a local Starbucks. If you see these boys, please call the following number-" A lady on the radio spoke. I groaned, "Of course we'd be spotted. Of fucking course. We're not safe."

"Trust me, you are. I have a plan." Rian said, turning into a driveway.

He turned to face us, "Do as I say, alright?" We nodded.

'This ride is a wild one'

(A/N AAAAAAH SEQUEL UP!!!!! WHATD YOU GUYS THINk serIOUSLY Let me know!!!! I wanna know this story is worth continuing. Oh, and the next chapter will be mostly Alex's thoughts on all of this, life in general n stuff. So! Yeah. Chapter three will be when they go with Rian n stuff alright thnks)

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