Chapter 2

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"Alright. From this point on, you don't use your real name. Call each other J and A, don't question it. It'll work. Now come on." Rian said, getting out of the car. Me and Jack soon followed, going inside his house. "Is your mom not here or something..?" I asked when we got to his room.

"Nah, she's out with my dad shopping, so they'll probably be gone for a few more hours." He shrugged, going to the closet.

"Now, put these on." He said, giving us some basic grey hoodies. I looked down at mine, "I'm gonna look stupid in this aren't I"

"You won't, just put it on." Rian replied. "You could never look stupid, 'Lex." Jack added.

I put it on, fixing the hood so it covered my hair, "So, what's the rest of this 'plan' you seem to have?" I asked Rian.

He ignored my question, exiting the room and going downstairs.

"Rian!" I shouted, following him down the stairs, "Tell me!!" I whined.

"You're such a little kid oh my god." He laughed.

I crossed my arms, "No, I just don't like when people keep secrets from me. Especially when it's really important."

"Alright alright, you're not gonna like me for this, but you're gonna need to walk from this point on." He said, my jaw dropped. "Rian, we can't just go walking around when there's a state wide search for us going on!!"

"Wait, what?" Jack said, coming down the stairs. "I'm just saying, because you're not stealing my car or my moms." Rian shrugged.

"And, you can't stay here, because my parents know about you. And if they saw you, they'd turn you in instantly." He added.

I turned to Jack, "What are we gonna do?" I asked quietly.

He sighed a bit, taking my hand in his, "I don't know, but we'll figure it out."

I nodded, "We'll text you if we need you, Rian, oh and thanks for these, we didn't exactly think about hiding our faces or anything in all of this."

Rian smiled, "No problem, I've got a ton of them I don't even wear, so it's not like I'll run out any time soon." He laughed a bit.

"We'd better get going, it's getting sorta late." Jack said, pulling me to the door. I laughed, "Jack it's four o clock! It's not even that late!"

"Pretty late to me, now come on!" He replied, tugging me outside, I just barely managed to shut the door behind us, running a bit to catch up with Jack.

"Maybe you should try getting rid of that little accent you've got, I mean, it'll be harder for them to know its us if you sound like me." Jack suggested, I crossed my arms, "I thought you liked my accent?"

"I do, believe me, I do. But it'll be much safer for both of us if you learn to suppress it." He replied, putting an arm around my shoulders.

I smiled a little, "Fine. No more British Alex." I said, transitioning to my American accent. Jack looked at me, eyes wide and mouth agape. "How- That fast??" He managed to get out.

I giggled a little, shrugging. "I've been practicing for quite some time now so.."

"Wow, alrighty then." He said, looking back at the sidewalk.

I smiled a bit, sighing as memories of the time we first saw each other flooded my mind. It was so awkward, really it was, but I wouldn't change a thing. It's what's gotten us here now, and its what will pull us through this.

"Do you think we should walk into the city...? Like, I know it's not the smartest idea, but I don't know where else we'll go.." I said quietly.

"We'll find somewhere, I'm sure. We just need to keep walking." He replied.

I nodded, using one of my hands to move my fringe out of my face. Its a blessing and a curse, I tell ya.


We walked in silence for hours, finally reaching an abandoned field and sitting down in it, watching the last bit of the sunset.

I smiled once it had gone down completely, turning to Jack and kissing his cheek. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered back, kissing my lips for just a moment.

I sighed happily, leaning my head on his shoulder. I glanced up at the few stars that began to shine, "There's room for two, six feet under the stars." I whispered, quoting something I had written before all of this happened.

Jack smiled, "Did you write that?" I nodded slightly. "It's beautiful." He said. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly, hiding my face in the crook of Jack's neck.

"It's definitely not as beautiful as you though." He complimented, causing me to roll my eyes. "Oh shush. I'm not beautiful."

"You are." He replied simply. "Jack shush." I mumbled. He didn't respond, only wrapping his arm around my shoulders and sighing a bit.

I still can't believe they put a state wide search on us, we might not be safe, we look the same, sound the same, we could be caught so easily...  I'll admit, I'm worried, but I trust that as long as I'm with Jack, everything will be okay.

--time skip; one day--

We made it. We're in the city and we haven't been spotted yet. Given, we had our hoods up and our heads down, nobody could see our faces. We held hands walking through the big city, I'd been here a few times before but I've never walked through it, only seen bits of it from the window of a car. My grip on Jack's hand tightened a bit as we got to a crosswalk, looking up just barely to see if the road was clear. Jack dropped my hand, causing me to do the same involuntarily. I looked at him for a brief moment before he sprinted across the street, unaware of the coming car. "Jack!" I shouted. He turned to me for a second, looking at the car before he was hit. I watched in horror as his body flew almost lifelessly away from the car, running toward him once the car stopped. "Jack!!!" I cried, holding him up against me. I felt his wrist for a pulse, sighing in relief when I found he still had one. "Jack, please just hold on please we-we have to get you to the hospital-"  I continued to cry as the driver of the car stood outside the vehicle and dialed 911.

I sat there in the middle of the road, crying for a good 5 minutes before the man in the vehicle approached me. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.. I tried to stop the car and it wouldn't let me until it was too late..." He spoke. I looked up at him, eyes filled with tears as I simply nodded. He stared at me for a moment, his jaw dropping a bit when he realized.

"Aren't you one of the missing kids?"

'It's all over now, before it has begun.'

(A/N shiiiiit do y'all hate me yet lmao oops ¯\_()_/¯)

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