Meeting Jolly Joe

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The first thing that hit me when I opened the kitchen was the warmth coming from a roaring fire in the fireplace and a yummy smell of sinnamon and oranges coming from a pan on the stove. The room had been transformed and felt delightfully festive. There was even music, carols playing out of hidden speakers. But, best of all, the long table was packed with food fit for a banquet.

The handsome, jolly-looking man came in, putting down an enormous platter of the most delicious-looking cookies, and pointed at the stove. "I made some apple cider," he said. "My own special recipe. You all look like you could use a little cheering up. Nonalcholic, of course. Help yourselves."

"Meet Joe," said Lewis, coming in behind me. "He runs a deli in the village not too far from here. Best chief in the land - in the world, in fact."

Joe nodded and beamed. "In the universe! And I'm the manifestation of Jupiter. Jupiter being the largest planet and jollity."

Maria and Anna exchanged looks. "Head case," said Maria under her breath.

"Who cares?" commented Anna. "As long as we get some of what food."

"So, where's the Zodiac Girl?" Joe asked.

"Zodiac Girl? What is this stuff about zodiacs?" Mark questioned as he looked around. "Jessica mentioned it the other way. What's going on?"

I could see that Joe was about to come out with some nonsense similar to that which Mr. O. came out with, and I didn't want him drawing attention to me with any crazy ramblings. I'd learned long ago that, if you're singled out as odd, you get picked on.

"I think it's some type of club they're all in, like a zodiac club. Best to play along with these crazy people, especially if we're going to get the food," I whispered to Mark, Jay, Anna and Maria. Then I turned to Joe. "Yeah, yeah, me, them, we're all zodiac people here. Hello, Jupiter. Welcome to the lodge. The food looks good. Need a hand bringing it in?"

Joe raised an brow and exchanged looks with Lewis.

"She's a tough one," said Lewis. "A double Leo."

"Ah." said Joe, and he rubbed his hands and gave me a wink. "Okay, guys. Help yourselves to apple cider."

Mark was over by the pan in a flash, ladling out five cups of the hot amber liquid, which he handed around. I took my first sip and had to hold back from gasping with delight. It was the most divine drink I had ever tasted, spicy and sweet at the same time. If the food was as good as this, we were in for a real treat.

We drank the first cup, and then Mark refilled our glasses, and all the while Joe brought in more and more beautiful. An enormous turkey. Platters of sauages, wrapped in bacon. Mini pizzas. Roast potatoes. Pasteries and cake and fruits. Chocolate mousse. Pies. Huge bunches of grapes. White and red. Strawberries. Raspberries. A plate of cheeses. Tubs of ice cream: caramel pecan, pistachio, mocha fudge, chocolate chip. Bottles labeled: maple syrup, hot fudge, caramel. And trays of candy: jelly beans, chocolate-covered raisins, marshallows, and chocolates of every shape and size.

My mouth began to water, and I could see that the others were feeling the same. Jay was almost drooling.

"Thank you, God or Jupiter or Santa or whoever's up there!" cried Mark and pointed to what looked like an apple pie. "Get a load of that pie. Yeee-um."

"So," said Lewis, coming up behind to join us, "Jessica, do you think that now you might join us in the team task of decorating?"

=^_^= . . . =^_^=

Sorry for the long update! Now that we met Joe, what do you think of him?

Updating soon. ^^

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