Chapter 5 - Questions & Stories

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          I can't say I recall getting in bed, but there I was—PJ's and all. As to how in the hell I got PJ's or much less into them, wasn't at the top of my o-shit-o-meter. Only the words London had said to me within the confinements of my new bedroom.

"Your protégé?" I asked in disbelief. "Are you joking?"

London smiled warmly, which in my mind didn't really suit him at that point. "No Kris; I turned you with the intention of being my protégé. You'd think I'd waste a perfectly good Dhampir as a mere vampire?" If I hadn't been so stunned by his words, I might have objected to being labeled like an object.

"Why me?" I asked reaching up, twirling strands of my hair around my fingers.

"Why me?" he asked letting go. "Why did my Master turn me? Why did he make me his protégé? Like you I wondered the same thing until he told me and like you Kris, he saw something in me that he knew would be the best for the coven, just as I see it in you."

If I hadn't been so stunned by that one word, I might have called him out on the pile of bullshit he was laying down, but as I was—I didn't. "So... I'm an MV... like Caleb. Wait, does he know that? I mean could he tell?" I asked abruptly.

"Usually you can, but you're a bit of a strange case Kris," London replied, turning around the chair in front of my desk, inviting me to sit on the bed, the two of us facing each other. "Because you were a Dhampir, one that had learned to shield her mind at a young age, it appears you're able to mask your power signature."

"So that explains Jake!" I said aloud in shock.

"What do you mean?" he asked, brushing his fingers through his hair.

I proceeded to tell him about my encounter with Jake that morning in my room back at the Conrad and the strange expressions that had played across his face before going blank. London nodded, fingers under his chin, as he listened. "Seems like you were stretching your muscles so to speak; mentally that is."

"Wait a tick. You're telling me I can compel other vampires. Vampires outside of our coven?"

"Of course, but you can't compel other Master's," he replied. "Trust me, I've tried."

"So... you can't compel me can you?" I asked, a grin growing and London gave me a rather serious look that he was losing quickly under my growing smile.

"No Kris, I can't compel you. Master's cannot compel their own protégé's. Much like a parent can't really control their teenager. It's up to them to learn from their mistakes and grow from their triumphs."

"Oh man, did I just hear you spiel some parental advice book?" I asked, the corner of my lips rising into a smirk.

London sighed heavily. "I suppose I did. However, know this. It is impossible to cancel out another MV's direct order. The vaguer you are the easier it is for them or someone to find a way around it."

"Like how you ordered Tyler to come and pick me up? Caleb couldn't take me because Tyler couldn't go against the direct order that he, himself had to take me back," I responded.



          The soft comforter I laid under combined with the equally soft pillows lulled me to sleep and before I knew it, there was an abrupt series of knocks at my door, startling me awake. Snapping up in bed, I rolled out from underneath the covers and was already at the door opening it. Eyes blurry, and stomach tightening uncomfortably with each movement due to an abrupt and unassuaged hunger, I found myself looking into the face of a young girl who couldn't have been no more than sixteen years old. Clearly though, she had been around quite a while longer than I had if her hazel eyes were of any indication. Like some said: the eyes are the windows to the soul. Therefore, it appeared it was true in this case... or I just knew she was older because I was an MV—I wasn't sure. I'd have to ask London when I cared enough, but right then I didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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