Chapter 5

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We both pulled away and just stared at each other. We leaned in again at the same time, and this kiss lasted longer than the last one. Before I knew it, Brie was on top of me and we were full on making out. I carried her over to the bed and collapsed on top of her.
I woke up the next morning and it took me a minute to figure out where I was. Once I realized I was still in Joe's hotel room, I felt arms around my waist so I looked behind me and saw Joe. He just started to wake up, and I watched him. Once his eyes were open he looked down at me. "Good morning," he mumbled in a tired voice. I think I died inside.

As if on cue, we both sat straight up at the exact same time. I looked over at him and he looked over at me. "Did we.." I started in a panicked tone, but my voice trailed off. I pulled up the covers and slowly looked down. When I realized I wasn't wearing any clothes, I pulled the covers down really fast and looked back over at him. He slowly pulled the covers up and checked to see if he was wearing any clothes. I could tell just by the expression on his face that he wasn't. "Oops." I said. He looked over at me and I just shrugged my shoulders.
" wanna do it again..?" he asked.
"Joe!" I said and smacked his arm. We both started laughing. "But if you got me pregnant I swear to God I'm gonna have to kill you," I said trying to keep a straight face. We both kept laughing as I started getting out of bed. "No looking, k?" I said.
"K..." he replied. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I could tell he was staring at me, but I just ignored him. I looked around for my clothes, but gave up after a minute because I'm too lazy to try to find them. "I can't find my clothes," I said to him.
"You can just borrow one of my shirts," he said and stood up. "Oh, and no looking." I scowled at him and he just laughed.

My phone went off as I was putting one of his shirts on. I grabbed it and saw that AJ texted me.

Slay-J: did it go? ;)

Good. I think I slept with him, nbd.


If he got you pregnant, I'll have to kill him.

I chuckled and put my phone down on his nightstand. "Soo.." Joe said as he sat down on the bed. He was just about to put his shirt on and I got a quick glimpse of his abs. Aaaand there go my ovaries.
"Soo," I said and sat down next to him.
"Do youuu..wanna go out to dinner later?"
"Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked and put my hand on my chest. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "Well I would love to, but you're gonna need to drop me off at home so I could get ready," I laughed.
"Oh, you didn't stay at the hotel?"
"Nah, I was pretty close to the arenas so what's the point?"
I heard a knock at my door and ran out of the bathroom with only half of my hair curled. I opened the door and saw AJ. "Ooh, you look fancy. I'm diggin' the whole half curled-half straight look," she said as she walked in. I laughed. "Joe asked me out to dinner this morning."
She raised her eyebrows. "So you think this could go somewhere?" she asked.
"I don't know, I hope so," I replied.

She followed me into my bathroom and watched me curl the rest of my hair. When I was done with my hair, I quickly fixed my makeup. "How do I look?"
"You look fine," she replied. "My Briezy's all grown up," she said and pretended to wipe a tear away. I laughed and heard another knock at the door. When I opened it I saw Nicole. "You look fancy," she said.
"Thanks, I try," I replied.
"Can I come in?"
"Of course, I don't even know why you knocked. You have a key."
As Nicole walked in, AJ walked out of the bathroom. "Hey Nikki."
"Heyy," she replied. She turned to me and said, "so I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with Paige, Nattie, and I tonight. You're invited too, AJ."
"Sure," AJ replied.
"I can't," I said and looked over at AJ.
"Brieee, what's going on? I can tell when you're hiding stuff from me."
"I'm.....going...on a date tonight..."
"With who?" she asked excitedly.
"Joe," I replied. She just looked at me. "What?" I said.
"I knew you liked him," she replied and laughed. "Well I'm gonna get going, want me to drive you AJ?" She nodded and skipped over to Nicole.
"Bye Briezy, have fun!" AJ said. Nicole waved and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bathroom. I picked up my phone and went into the living room, I sat on the couch and saw that Joe texted.

hey, omw. i'll be there soon

K, see you soon!


You shouldn't text and drive, ya know.

too late.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Before I knew it, there was another knock at the door. I jumped up and ran to answer it. Before I did I fixed my hair and took a deep breath.

I waited at the door while holding a bouquet of flowers behind my back. I don't know why I was so nervous, but I just was. The door opened and I saw Brie. "Hey, gorgeous," I said. She laughed.
"Hey you," she replied. I took the bouquet of flowers out from behind my back and handed them to her. "Awwee, aren't you just adorable?" she said and brought them inside. I followed her into her kitchen and she put them in a vase. "You ready?" she asked. I nodded and we walked out of her house and to my car. I opened her door for her and she got in. "Thank you sir," she laughed. I chuckled as I walked over to the drivers side and got in.

We pulled up to the restaurant and I was about to get out of the car, but Nikki stopped me. "What's up with Brie and Joe?" she asked. Shit, I'm a terrible liar.
"Ummm, I don't know! How would I even know? Why do you think I would know? I'm not acting weird, you're acting weird!" I nervously yelled.
"Right...."she started, "spill it." I sighed and told her everything I knew about Brie and Joe, but I did leave out the part where they slept together because I'm such a good friend. "Pleeeeaaasssseeee don't tell Brie I told you though. She didn't want me telling anyone and she trusted me. I only told you because you're her sister and I just felt like if anyone should know it should be you."
Nikki nodded and grabbed her purse. "Well thanks for telling me, and I promise I won't tell anyone else or tell her that I know," she smiled at me and we both got out of the car.
We just finished dinner and were walking to the beach nearby. "It was too fancy in there," Joe said as he swung our hands back and forth.
"True, the waiter was so uptight."
"Right?! Did you see his face when I let out that loud ass burp?"
"Ok, but that was pretty disgusting," I said and we both laughed. We finally got to the beach and took our shoes off before walking on the sand. While Joe was bending down to take his shoe off, I jumped on his back and he almost fell over. Thankfully he didn't, but he ended up carrying me across the beach and over to the water. He stopped and I jumped off of his back, we both sat down and just stared out at the water for a minute or so.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him staring at me so I looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back at me and I looked back out at the ocean. Joe slowly put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. We sat like this for about 5 minutes before Joe asked the question that I was just so damn sick of answering. "What happened to you and Bryan?"

so I left you guys with another cliff hanger. >:3 What do you guys think so far?? Vote, comment, add to your reading list, all that shit. x3

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