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I wake up hearing this noise in the kitchen. I suddenly jump when I hear someone scream. I see Cameryn on the floor.

"Oh my god what the hell?" She starts crying. Luke runs down and soon everyone one does.

"What happened?" She sniffs.

"We ran out of nutella." Cassidy tackles her.

"We thought you were hurt you little hoe." Michael walks in the room.

"So uh. About the Nutella. I kinda ate it." Cam gets up and Mikey flinches.

"Imma give you a 10 second head start. Run." He starts running and Cameryn starts looking for him. I grab my keys. Luke then stops me.

"Where are you going?" I look at him like he's an idiot. Which he is.

"I'm going to stock up on Nutella for Cam." He nods his head.

"I'll come too." Mikey runs out.

"Hey me too." He runs to the car and hides. We go to the store thingy and we buy five things of Nutella. We go to pay. "

"Well someone's hungry." I roll my eyes. Looking at the lady checking our things out. Her stomach was huge. She's either pregnant or fat. Imma go with pregnant.

"Yeah. Someone's pregnant." Michael takes the bags and runs to the car. We get back and I see Cam and Christain, Calum and Cassidy, and Luke and Madi in the sitting room watching a movie. I throw the bag at Cameryn and she catches the bag.

"Thank you!" She runs to the kitchen making her food. Me and Michael sit on the floor basically spooning.

I take vanilla wafers and Nutella and I go back to the sofa. Christian wraps his arm around me and I continue eating my food. After I'm done eating I start to get bored.

"I wanna go swimming." After saying that I run upstairs and I grab a bikini. I get changed and I grab a pair of shorts and a Beatle's shirt. I grab my flip flops and I run out of the door with Christain following me.

"Babe! Wait up!" I slow down so he can catch up. We go along the boardwalk and I see Cassidy and Calum.

"Hoe! Get your ass over here!" She smiles and yells back.

"Hoe! Imma coming in a sec!" I look at an old lady and she gives me a disgusted look. I roll my eyes and I wait for Cassidy and Calum to walk over. We buy a couple of things and they finally walk over.

"Hey, wanna go to the beach and swim?" We all say yes and we get on our penny boards. Well nickle board in Cassidy's case. We drop our boards and we run torwards the water.

"Last one to go to the water has to buy food!" I soon ran into the water and so does Cassidy. The race is now just between Calum and Christain. Christain jumps in and Calum then runs in.

"Sorry Cal. You gotta pay for food!" We all swim until we can't anymore and we go to five guys burgers and fries while Calum pays for our food. When we get back I see Luke and Madi fighting again. God. Why did they ever get back together. It's pretty annoying. Everyday. Arguing over every little thing. It's stupid. Some people aren't ment to be together.

Hey guys. It's been a long time since I updated. Well. Me and my hoe Cassidy made an account together. It's called mukesnugget. Read the book if you want to. If you don't like the gay books then don't bother to read them. I will be posting a new book. Called Stuck in the middle. It's about a girl and two boys she has to choose. So read if you like that stuff. So yeah. Thats all. Have an amazing day nuggets. Luv u<3

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