The Last of Her

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She is gone. She is very much so gone, even if her gem is intact. Rose Quartz is gone forever, and the only thing she left behind was a human baby. You have decided that you love this baby more than you love yourself.

Which, to some, might not be saying much, but this young child is the last you have of her. You gently rock the child in your arms, scared that any sudden movements might destroy his peaceful, happy face. This child is the final leaf of autumn, the last sunset before eternal darkness- and you have vowed to cherish, love, and protect him. It's what Rose would have wanted.

Garnet makes a motion towards Greg, as if it's time to give him up. "We don't know how to take care of him." Her tone is hard to read, as always. Stern, reasonable and solid-- you have never seen Garnet make a dumb decision based off of emotions alone, and you admire that about her. However, now it just irritates you, and you cling tightly to the child, who's eyes shine just as brilliantly as hers did. "You don't know that, Garnet. That man, he, he doesn't even have a PROPER home for this child! I can't allow Rose Quartz child to be raised in a van!"

Amethyst is silent, but she tenses up as you raise your voice, and Garnet settles into a frown. Greg looks hurt, but you could care less. This child is the last you have of Rose Quartz and...

You've made him cry. You can feel your eyes widen, and then begin to water as you loosen your hold on the child, and hand him to Garnet as he cries. You can only bring yourself to watch, as your own tears fall and the last bit of Rose Quartz is given to him, and you collapse as Greg leaves with the child in his arms.

They know better than to try to comfort you, the other gems, and they only watch as you exit to your room.

You're pressed against the wall of your door as you finally hear Amethyst speak-- she had been silent throughout the whole ordeal. "So... That's... It? She's just.. gone?" There is silence for a while, before Garnet responds. "Yes. She's gone, but she would have wanted us to love the boy as much as she would." You can barely hold back your sobs, at this point, and you can barely make out Amethyst's response of "he has her eyes," as you cry until this form can no longer create tears.

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