Chapter 3 All Alone

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I walked to my car tears blurring my vision. I fumbled with my keys trying to unlock my car, before I got soaking wet from the rain . I yanked the door open falling into the seat. Slamming my head against the steering wheel, I wanted to give up and just say yes but how could I?

The only thing that filled my thoughts was the blonde boys face falling when I didn't say yes. Why could I not say yes? I have been dreaming about this ALL my life. All I have ever wanted was to marry my best friend! All the romance books and movies where you marry your best friend was actually coming true for me!! But, I blew it by not saying yes. How could I be so stupid?

Scott's voice filled my head. "You are my everything we have been side by side for everything. I want to be side by side with you for eternity all you have to do is say yes. Please say yes, if you don't I will look like a complete idiot. Mitch will you give me the honor of marrying you? Will you marry me?" Why couldn't I have screamed and said yes. I have known that I have been in love with him since the first day I laid my eyes on him. Why did I have to pause and have second thoughts now of all the times in the world why now?

I turned on the saddest music I could find on my phone and pulled out of the driveway. Tears continued down my face before I knew where I was going I was in Kirstin's driveway sobbing.

I heard a little knock on my window. I looked up wiping my eyes. I saw Kirstin standing outside getting soaking wet. She opened my door leaning in and unbuckling my seat belt. She held her hand out. I reached up and took her hand and she slowly pulled me out of my car, and gave me a hug. We stood there getting soaking wet. "Someone" by Kelly Clarkson blasting through the car speakers and Kirstin's shirt was more wet with tears then rain. She lifted my head up "come on Mitch lets go inside before you get a cold." She said softly to me. She put her arm around me and walked me inside. 

The words kept playing over and over in my head. "Will you marry me?" " you are my everything." I felt numb lifeless. Why didn't I say yes? This was the main question running through my head. WHY??

"Mitch! Mitch earth to Mitch?" Kirstie said waving a cup of coffee in my face. I looked around me I was wrapped up in a warm fuzzy blanket my wet clothes replaced with dry ones. "You were soaking wet so I gave you some of Jeremy's clothes. Yours are in the dryer right now." She sat down next to me pulling me closer to her. "Are you even going to ask why I came to your house sobbing in the pouring rain?" I quietly asked. "Well I was assuming you would tell me after you stopped crying and came inside." She said facing me. "I COULDN'T SAY YES! I don't know why I wanted to! I still do, and I wish I could and I need to marry him he is the love of my life!! What am I supposed to do? HELP" I said to her trying not to break down into tears.

She looked me straight in the eyes and said "Mitch you love him and you know you do, so why are you having such a hard time saying yes? And are you sure he is the one?" "Kirst why would you even say something like that? You know that I think we are meant to be, I have thought so since I met him when we were 10! He is the love of my life, nobody can ever replace him and he is my other half." I said through tears that began to fall again. "Then why didn't you say yes?" She asked. Her eyes looked like they were staring into your soul.

I had no response. I love my big, little, Scottland but if I loved him and knew he was the love of my life, why couldn't I say one simple word to him? 

HEY GUYS!!! So i know there are probably a lot of grammatical errors but I was to lazy edit it but I am going to I promise so you can re read it later if you want to. Comment what you think! What do you think will happen? Please comment your thoughts!

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