Trouble 3

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Jenna, Abby and I walked into my house. We set down our backpacks and started to go up the stairs.
" Sarah Josephine Oconell get down here right this instant!!!"
I stopped going up the stairs and my heart stopped beating then starting beating really fast.
"Coming mom" I said trembling down the stairs.
"Mom is this about the.."
My mom cut me off
" You got suspended for a week?!!!!!"
" I can explain."
" You will have time to explain tonight!"
"But the Halloween Bash!!!"
"Your not going, your grounded"
"MOM!!! No!"
"U could have went if u didn't get suspended!"
I turned around and stomped up the stairs in anger.
Jenna and Abby were sitting on my bed staring at me, I went and sat on the bed with them.
"Well I think you herd"
"Yup" said Jenna
"Your mom sounded pretty angry" said Abby
"Ugh, why?!" I said angry but sad
"You can still come" said Abby and Jenna
"How?" I said
" A little something called sneaking out" said Abby
"When your mom goes to sleep sneek out your window and we will be parked in your driveway to take you to the party." Jenna said
"But I don't have a costume!"
"When we go get our costumes we will get one for you!" Said Jenna
"Ok see you guys later!"
Abby and Jenna left with "frowns" on their faces. I'm just about to go on my phone to go on Twitter when my mom barges in.
"I'm going to let you explain how you got suspended, but don't think I'm still not mad!"
"Okay. So Mrs. Gallant kept me back after her class and said "don't go in that house they will kill you. And now I'm really creeped out about going to the party."
"Well you have nothing to worry about because your not going!"
"I know!!" I said with a bit of a smirk
"So I turned around to leave the classroom because she wasn't talking anymore then I herd a big BANG! I turned around and she was on the ground and she didn't have a pulse so I yelled Mr. Mason's name and told him what happened. I point over to Mrs. Gallant and she's gone."
"Well Mr. Mason thought you faked that a teacher was dead."
I pulled my blankets from my bed over my face.
"I'm going to sleep" I said
"Ok see you in the morning"
I waited until I herd the TV shut off and footsteps coming up the stairs.i waited a couple more minutes for her to go to sleep and I texted Jenna and Abby to say I'm ready.
I slipped out of my bed and opened the window.
The door opened.
"Sarah what are you doing!?"
"Oh me I'm just opening the window for some fresh air"
"Ok keep it quiet! I'm trying to sleep!"
When she closed my bedroom door I slipped my body through the window and jumped on the roof. I carefully climbed down the plant ladder and hoped in Abby and Jenna's car and drove off to Joe's Halloween Bash.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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