❤︎ 9. Girls like you

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Wattpad lesson 9:

Someone called me "high maintenance" and "too arrogant" to approach a while ago. The words stung me in more than one ways. I tried to filter out my thoughts and sort through them. Sift through my blurred memories to catch onto what I might have said or looked like to have had such a feedback.

I ended up having zero conclusions. Not because I claim myself to be some perfect human whose never done someone wrong or hurt someone but because I know I am human and it's okay to make mistakes. I am still learning to forgive the parts of myself I don't want to talk about.

I am on my path and I won't apologise for that.

For today, here is an exclusive excerpt from Delicious Ambiguity which I had written for a similar scene in the book. It still resonates with me and I hope it resonates with you too.

"But let me tell you something today, you don't owe anyone an apology for being a strong woman. When your voice carries too much strength, they will ask you to lower your volume. You'll see your male counterpart speak at the same decibel and wonder why he is congratulated and you are shushed.

When you speak your mind, they will find flaws in every word you say. There will days when uttering any thought feels like you'll be damned if you do, damned if you don't. But understand this means something huge. This means you're doing something right.

When they attempt to box you in, keep breaking through every wall they try to place in your way. When they scoff at your ambition, work even more brilliantly to show how wrong they are. When they make you feel small, grow taller until you tower over them and their ignorance. These people will never admit it, but a powerful woman is their biggest fear.

They have no idea what to do with you, with all your glory and grace.

You represent all of their insecurities. But that's not your goddamn problem. You owe zero apologies. Keep building and evolving and burning so brightly, those who have hurt you will be forced to wear sunglasses. Keep being a force to reckon with.

This world needs more powerful women like you.

It is okay if you want your own happiness. It is okay to care about yourself the most. You are not obligated to sit there and smile and swallow every bit of shit everyone heaps on you. You are more than furniture, you're more than window dressing, and you're not their shiny toy. You're human and you have the right to say, 'that was shitty of you.'

You have the right to protest your own mistreatment and set boundaries for respectful interactions. The rest of the world doesn't realize you have this right and they will act offended and appalled when you exercise it, but it is yours."

Deadly kisses and Poisonous hugs xoxo

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