I'll Be There For You

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Scott's PoV
When Stiles said that my heart broke a little . I can't imagine a world were me and Stiles aren't best friends . Ever since he moved here when he was 5 we were best friends . I was there when his mom died . He was there when my mom and dad broke up . We may have had some little fights but most of them were stupid like when Stiles licked the swing set because I told him not to . He always had a plan he always had my back and helped me even when my ideas were the single most stupid and impossible things in the whole world , he would never let me down . But instead I let him down . I didn't protect him and he got bit . I guess even if his vampire side came out by it's self I have still let him down more times . I did kinda abandon him when I fell in love with Alison , she was the only thing I talked about over than the whole new werewolf thing . And now I'm abandoning him again because of Kira . There was the time were he tried to call me when he was holding up Derek in the pool because he was poisoned and couldn't move . I ignored him and because of that they both almost died . There was countless times were he saved me and the whole pack but no one ever gave him gratitude . It's my fault he feels like a side kick . With out him I'd probably be dead . I am a terrible friend . I'm probably the worst .
I started to cry harder still hugging Stiles .
" Even if you end up hating me more than any thing in existence I'll try to help you . I've been a terrible friend and I know that but now I'll do anything for you " I said through my tears it sounded croaky and wired but I didn't care .
I herd a bleep that came from my phone . I looked quickly really wanting to just hug Stiles forever .
Kira- Hay were are you ? It's a pack meeting remember ?
Me- I'm not coming I can't I'm with Stiles .
Kira- Are you sure that's a good idea?
Me- YES plz can you just tell everyone that I'm not gonna be there .
Kira- Fine .
I sighed and looked down at Stiles . His eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep .
" I have a feeling Drake is gonna come you know . You might want to leave " he sighed .
" No way I wanna meet this guy " I insisted .
Stiles sat up but still didn't look at me .
" Fine but I have a bad feeling about this "
" I know but for now on I'm sticking by you " I said .
I put on the TV to get are minds of things . I put on old reruns of f.r.i.e.n.d.s because I know it was normal sort of and Stiles finds it funny .
We sat there watching the show for about four hours . We talked about many good things like memories from before the werewolf thing came along . It was nice just me and him watching a good show talking .
After a wile I began to turn sad but hid it from Stiles . I felt sad because I kept thinking about how terrible a friend I am and how a good one he is .
Suddenly Stiles started to look like he was in pain . He got the same bottle from lunch and drunk a bit from it . His eyes staid red and his fangs were still out . He was smiling slightly at the bottle . Blood was dripping from his mouth .
I sighed looking at the bottle .
" You will never understand this " he said still smiling " it's like heaven "
" Human blood can't be that good " I said .
" It is " he sighed " Wanna try it " he said in a joking tone as he waved the bottle around .
" Yeah I prefer not " I said pushing the bottle away from my face .
Has he completely forgot how bad this all is ?
" Look I know you think it's wrong and all and it is sort of but you don't get it " Stiles said his smile turning into a smirk but I didn't know why . But his smirk went away .
" Hello you must be Scott " a voice from behind me said .
I turned around to see no one . But when I looked back at Stiles I saw a man next to him .
" Nice to meet you I'm Drake " he was smiling
I started to growl at him .
I WANT TO RIP YOU TO SHREDS !!! I wanted to shout but kept it in .
" Aaawww don't be like that doggie . After all I am your best friends farther . Well soon to be ex-best friend " he smirked .
I kept saying to myself he was the reason Stiles was starting to hate me . But it hurt to know that these feelings may of came out them selfs . Even if that was the case I still absolutely hate this guy .
" Any way Stiles I have come to continue your training ! You going to school may have been a risk . You never know when someone will start bleeding . But I didn't worry there just some high schoolers that are dead in the head " he laughed .
I looked over at Stiles who seemed to be in thought .
" Just go away " I said .
" Let me think about that . No . You do realise that I'm training him right ? " he asked .
" Training him to kill " I replied .
" I'm doing much more than that . Yes I helped him kill a man last night . Well really I didn't do a lot all I did was bring him to the road he killed him him self and it was a great performance , the Stiles got him scared the little sarcastic remarks . No wonder he's my son " he snickered pride in his voice .
" Stiles is not a killer and your not doing anything else but trying to persuade him to be one " I glared .
He started to laugh as if I just said the most stupid thing in existence .
" I am doing much more . I was gonna help him control so he doesn't kill someone and get caught . I'm gonna find out what his special powers is and help him use it . And of course all of his over vampire powers " he yelled " I am his farther , I'm sticking by him "
He started to look really furious and was clenching his fists .
I went to look at Stiles again but he wasn't there , he was gone .
" Were's Stiles ? " I asked .
He started to look around frantically .
" I don't know " he replied .
Stiles's PoV
While Scott and Drake were fighting I kinda got bored so I left . I decided I should find out if I had a power or not .
Telepathy would be cool . I wonder if there's a chance I have that .
I spent at least an hour trying to use a power but none of them worked . When I tried telepathy nothing happened I just ended up staring at a stone for about ten minutes . My attempt at trying to be invisible just ended up with a lot of terrified squirrels and a stampede .The teleportation well again I was just staring at a tree branch trying to end up there . The glamour thing had a result of some really freaked out girls .................. Don't ask . I found a bird with a broken wing and tried to heal it but nothing . I decided I should take the bird to Deaton .
On my way there I started to smell something . Something wierd and it was getting stronger , I knew what it was . Smoke ?

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