Sky Writing

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This is the cheesiest shit ever but :3333 - Beth


As Jims boots once again stomped down onto the rocky ground, pebbles and dust crumbling under his feet at the force of his steps, he grumbled to himself, face set into a stubborn and prominent scowl, and practically pouting. His glare was piercing and harsh as he looked up to the all too jolly man in front of him, and he didn't take the distinct glare off of him as he clambered up the steep path of the mountain.

Sebastian had dragged him out of bed that morning, much to Jim's protest on their rare day off, and presented him with an array of hiking gear as he relayed their plans for the day, his excitable grin only becoming wider as he turned to note Jim's expression, riddled with chagrin and disgust. Either way, they were here now, and Jim lagged behind with exhausted huffs and pants as he glared up at Sebastian, with the advantage of years of army training. The prick.

"Sebastian, we better be almost fucking there, or I'm calling someone to pick me up and i'll leave you to rot"

Seb paused at that, steps faltering as an amused smile twitched at his lips. With a glance over his shoulder and a raised brow, he took a breath to speak "...Yeah, that whole thing would have been much more effective had you not taken breaks in between to pant and huff"

He grinned at him then, neck craned to look back at him, and Jim still had that glare plastered on his face as he narrowed his eyes at him further

"I'm warning you"

Seb had the nerve to laugh, and he shook his head with a chuckle as he turned to face in front of him, still clambering up the mountain path as he called out behind him,

"Not another 10 steps and we'll be there"

"I'm counting"

Finally, they came up to a clearing on the edge of the mountain, and as he climbed up a relatively steep hill to get to it, really, it was fucking vertical, his gaze flitted up to scowl at Sebastian, facing him with such a triumphant expression on his face as he threw his arms out as to present it to him

"What are you so cheerful about now?" Jim snapped, and Sebastian had only chuckled, rolling his eyes with a smile and the shake of his head.

Now that Jim had a second to set his bag down, he let his gaze sweep over the view at their feet. It was still early morning, around six or seven, and the sun was just coming up over the horizon, bleeding it's light over moss green mountains and shimmering rocks. He had to admit it was beautiful, and he looked back over to Sebastian after he had soaked it all in.

Sebastian had given him a soft smile, and strolled forward to lazily drape his arm over Jims shoulders, looking out onto the natural wonder he had brought them to.

They remained there for a time, Jim having forgotten his initial strop at the labour to get there at the worthy view, and after around half an hour, Jim's head rested on Seb's shoulder and stood together to soak in the view, Sebastian pointed out something in the distance.

After a few seconds, and a lot of squinting, he made out the shape of an aeroplane, cutting across the sky in front of them, and frowned in confusion when it began looping across the sky in front of their exact spot.

A white cloud of smoke puffed from its engines in patterns, and not even a minute later a message was written in clear contrast to the swirls of orange and pink of the morning sky.

Jim's head slowly came up from it's resting place on his shoulder as the message was written out across the sky, eyes widening as his lips parted in shock with a sharp intake of breath, and his hand came up to cover his mouth as it fell agape, breathless.

He barely registered Sebastian pulling back from him, the strong arm slung over his shoulder moving back so he could turn towards him, facing his direction properly as he positioned himself down on one knee.

Jim slowly turned towards him, both hands covering his mouth now, and eyes still wide as he looked down at Sebastian, a hand reaching behind him to slip into his back pocket, and when he pulled his hand back out, he was clutching a small, delicate box.

Jim lost his breath, unable to help himself as he let out a choked sob behind his hands, and Sebastian grinned up at him as he flicked the box open to reveal a ring, and chuckled.

"I think you know exactly what I'm going to ask you, but goes..." Sebastian puffed out a nervous breath as he recollected himself, glancing down momentarily before his gaze flicked back up to look at Jim

"I love you...ever since that...what? 7th hit we had together where you shot the guy in the foot and ranted at him that he shot like a storm trooper?"

Sebastian chuckled at the memory, a fond smile given up at him, and he registered the wet streaks running down Jim's face as he spoke

"And I know that...even though you whinge and moan and strop constantly..."

Jim frowned at that

"...You love me too...and as unpredictable as our future is...I want one thing to stay in place. You."

He shifted to take the ring out of the box then, presenting it up to him between his forefinger and thumb

"And so...i'm asking you, James Moriarty...will you marry me?"

Jim let out a sob at that, nodding vigorously as he removed his hands from his mouth.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you"

And Seb stood to slip the ring on his finger before Jim flung his arms around his neck, practically diving on him as his own wrapped around his waist to pull him closer. His grin was ecstatic as he held him, and after a couple of seconds, he closed his eyes to tilt his head and press his nose and lips to Jims hair, pressing a lingering kiss there as Jim sniffled into his ear, before muttering

"...I do not strop"

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