Yayyyyyyyyayyy!!! (Your reactions to this chap)

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Ava's pov

Neal and I walked to the door he told me he had a weird dream about a beautiful women coming to him telling him he was a shield.  I also had a dream that my mother came to me talking me everything would be ok but I couldn't move or speak I wanted to hit her.

"I had a great time Neal aside from the part where we both got knocked out." I say laughing nervously

"Yeah me to." He said grabbing both my hands

"So what do you wanna do now?" He asked and I thought for a moment as he gave me options

"We could watch a movie go to bed go get coco at granny's or-"He said

"Or we could just do this." I say putting my arms around her neck and kissing him sparks flew but he quickly pulled away

Neal's pov

Nothing absolutely nothing you could hear a pin drop when I kissed Goldie fireworks flew people clapped I liked her and Ava was awesome just not in that way. I quickly pulled away and looked at her trying to pretend I felt something.

"Ok I...I need to go do something real fast but I'll be right back." I say quickly running upstairs I ran up three flights of stairs then I came to Goldie's door I knocked on it 3 times and no one answered then I knocked rapidly until Phillip came to the door rubbing his eyes

"Neal what's up bud-" I cut him off

"Look sir I need to see your daughter she might hate me but I don't care I need to see her." I said firmly

"Um ok..." He said going inside sook Goldie came out her eyes puffy I could tell she had been crying and she was in messy clothes and her curly hair in a messy bun

"Oh hi Neal." She sniffed trying to look happy
"Don't don't talk." I said wiping leftover tears from her eyes
"Oh ok." She sniffed
"Goldie I...you...I..." I couldn't find the right words

"Did...did you come here to break up with me?!?" She sniffed as more tears came into her eyes

I couldn't say anything so I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her sparks flew people clapped she was amazing.

Goldie's pov

  Neal kissed me passionately he slowly picked me up by the knees and we kissed. He sat me down and I didn't know what to say all I could do was kiss him. "I...you...i." I tried

"Yeah I know." He laughed before kissing me again on the cheek

"Ok I gotta go but meet me in the club tomorrow." I smiled

A/n: Golden Charming for life💞❤️💖💏💏💏💏💏💏💏💏💏

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