How i met them.....

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I just woke up at 7 in the morning just so I can go to school on the first day.uuuhhhh I don't fell like getting up for one I don't want to and two my head hurts like always.I had a vision last night is always get them...its normal I guess.I am 16 and still have no friends....I guess I got to get up...I have a GREAT LIFE! Not...... Ok so I am walking down the hall way and out the corner of my eye I seen a girl she is pretty too....and,around her there is two other girls on is a pink and white fox and a blue rabbit with green eyes I wanted to go,over there but I guess they saw me looking at them and thought I was like stalking them so I just stared to walk away.when I was in my first period the blue rabbit looked at me and then looked back at her paper I guess she was just seeing if I would look back.when the first period finished I decided to go over there and talk to that girl."um...hey I just wanted to say when I looked at u and your friends I was just lookening and I don't want u to thinmkmi am wierd or anything" and she said.."oh well it us ok I am bonbon Bonnie's little sister and who are u I my ask?" " oh sorry I am golden freddy but people call me Goldie.." "Cool Name hey at fith pieod u wanna sit with me and my friends?" "Sure" "ok cool I will see u there Goldie bye..." "Ok bye....." Well she seemed like a nice girl ok now of to secouned period.... Um where is it?!!?.ok so u have been looking for about five minutes! Oh there it is.....and as soon as I walked in everyone was staring at me.... The teacher asked why was I late and I expalainded to her that I got lost in the school after that she told me to sit by mangle witch I did not even know who that is and she pointed at a pink and white fox I ran and sat by here witch then I realized that she is one of the girls I looked at in the hallway...I wanted to say hi but I think she was trying to work so I just waited until she was done....."h-hi.." "Hi." "I am golden Freddy but people call me Goldie...u are mangle right?" "yah.." "Cool..." That was the end of the conversation I guess she don't talk much.....after that I went to 3rd Period witch was pretty boring but I did met a boy there he was pretty cool although I did not get his name...after that I went to 4th period where I seen tuye pretty girl I had seen in the hallway with bonbon and mangle.... So I went over to where she was sitting and ask if "anyone siting here?" She said "no.." I wanted to ask her what her name was but I was scared...... So I just sat there quietly until she said "I am maryennet but my friends call me Mary what is your name?" "Um...hi my name is golden freddy but people call me gioldie.... Bonbon said I could sit with yall...if it would be ok with you..?" "Sure that,would be cool " "ok well I guess I will see u there..." After that we all met up at launch...after launch was over we all went to 6th period and then the school day ended, Mary toke bonbon and mangle to there house but I walked home.....I was about a block away from my house but then Mary pulled up beside me and said "don't u have a ride?" "No..." "Oh well I could give u a ride if u want?I mean I know I just met u and i may seem like a stranger to u but I can give u a ride home if u want?" "Um....sure if it is ok with u..." "Sure,no problem" so she toke me home......she is very nice witch I don't understand why she is nice to me but I think I just made three new friends....

Hey my peeps this is goldieisinlove, sorry the first chapter was short but I did not have many ideas at the time but I will try to update as fast as I can and since this is my first book please don't be mean to Meh....

Love ya all

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