Chapter two: where we go

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Astrid POV

Elsa and me talked a lot more to keep each other company even though we're all pretty close.

They whipped and beat us All and keep our hands tied behind our backs 24/7

All of us are in pain from it. We can't get used to it because they keep jerking us around.

Today They pulled us all into a room and made us kneel on the ground. We couldn't look up or else we would get beaten on another room.

A man walked in and they only noise you could hear were his feet steps and our shallow breathing.

"You little runts can't stay here forever" he started

We all looked down with shame.

"We have made plans for you. All of you.....You can either choose to accept it....or be with your parents again." A few of us gasped and looked up slightly. They got taken into another room and hurt.

"You shall be the slaves. With fake America social securities.....that involve new names and different ages"

"You must do what these people say...or else they won't hesitate to take your stupid little make a will be taken by the America athoruties....and sent to a place far far worse than this."

"So don't mess up. Some of you are already American citizens. So you will stay here and choose to die or join our forces. Choose wisely thise of you who are"

"Away. But keep those who are americans"

The people took us and gagged us all before putting bags over our heads.

We went on what felt like a car and started driving somewhere. We stayed in there for a really long time and then the car stopped.

We were pulled off the car or truck and forced to walk onto something else.

It was super noisy and windy and we were walking on something suspended off the ground going up.

When we all got on they took off our bags. We all looked around and saw we were on the bottom of a plane.

Elsa was next to me and she layer on my shoulder. "Astrid this is scary"

I layer my head on hers to re assure her. "Its okay els. We're all scared. Maybe some of us will end up bieng okay. If I can I promise I'll visit you and maybe someday save you"

We smiled at each other "okay" she simply says and lays down to sleep.

I tried to stay up but soon found myself drifting off to.

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